


















类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
4501 450001 私人保镖 personal bodyguarding
4501 450003 侦探服务 detective agency services
4501 450006 夜间护卫服务 night guard services
4501 450053 寻人调查 missing person investigations
4501 450099 警卫服务 guard services
4501 450117 实体安全保卫咨询 physical security consultancy
4501 450146 “国外特有小类” horoscope casting
4501 450194 安全及防盗警报系统的监控 monitoring of burglar and security alarms
4501 450196 行李安检 security screening of baggage
4501 450199 个人背景调查 personal background investigations
4501 450202 工厂安全检查 inspection of factories for safety purposes
4501 450222 追踪被盗财产 tracking of stolen property
4501 450243 救生员服务 lifeguard services
4502 450002 社交护送(陪伴) chaperoning
4502 450002 社交陪伴 escorting in society [chaperoning]
4502 450195 临时照看婴孩 babysitting
4502 450197 临时看管房子 house sitting
4502 450198 临时照料宠物 pet sitting
4502 450232 遛狗服务 dog walking services
4503 450046 晚礼服出租 evening dress rental
4503 450081 服装出租 clothing rental
4503 450227 个人服装搭配咨询 personal wardrobe styling consultancy
4503 450234 协助穿着和服 kimono dressing assistance
4504 450047 火化服务 crematorium services
4504 450056 下葬服务 burial services
4504 450057 殡仪 funerary undertaking
4504 450220 尸体防腐服务 embalming services
4504 450229 举行葬礼 conducting funeral ceremonies
4505 450005 交友服务 dating services
4505 450033 开保险锁 opening of security locks
4505 450112 婚姻介绍 marriage agency services
4505 450179 消防 fire-fighting
4505 450184 组织宗教集会 organization of religious meetings
4505 450193 领养代理 adoption agency services
4505 450200 失物招领 lost property return
4505 450203 火警报警器出租 rental of fire alarms
4505 450204 灭火器出租 rental of fire extinguishers
4505 450215 保险箱出租 rental of safes
4505 450216 宗谱研究 genealogical research
4505 450217 计划和安排婚礼服务 planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies
4505 450218 在线社交网络服务 online social networking services
4505 450219 为特殊场合释放鸽子 releasing doves for special occasions
4505 450231 举行宗教仪式 conducting religious ceremonies
4505 450233 互联网域名租赁 leasing of internet domain names
4506 450201 调解 mediation
4506 450205 仲裁 arbitration services
4506 450206 知识产权咨询 intellectual property consultancy
4506 450207 版权管理 copyright management
4506 450208 知识产权许可 licensing of intellectual property
4506 450209 为法律咨询目的监控知识产权 monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes
4506 450210 法律研究 legal research
4506 450211 诉讼服务 litigation services
4506 450212 计算机软件许可(法律服务) licensing of computer software [legal services]
4506 450213 域名注册(法律服务) registration of domain names [legal services]
4506 450214 替代性纠纷解决服务 alternative dispute resolution services
4506 450221 法律文件准备服务 legal document preparation services
4506 450223 许可的法律管理 legal administration of licences
4506 450224 “国外特有小类” astrology consultancy
4506 450225 “国外特有小类” spiritual consultancy
4506 450226 “国外特有小类” cartomancy services
4506 450228 代写私人信件 personal letter writing
4506 450230 替他人进行合同谈判的法律服务 legal services in relation to the negotiation of contracts for others
4506 450235 关于响应招标的法律建议 legal advice in responding to calls for tenders
4506 450235 关于响应招标的法律建议 legal advice in responding to requests for proposals [RFPs]
4506 450236 软件出版框架下的许可(法律服务) licensing [legal services] in the framework of software publishing
4506 450237 法律监测服务 legal watching services
4506 450238 “国外特有小类” organization of political meetings
4506 450239 关于专利地图的法律咨询 legal consultancy relating to patent mapping
4506 450240 司法辩护服务 legal advocacy services
4506 450241 “国外特有小类” concierge services
4506 450242 “国外特有小类” bereavement counselling
4506 450242 “国外特有小类” bereavement counseling
4506 450244 移民领域的法律服务 legal services in the field of immigration
4506 450245 “国外特有小类” tarot card reading services for others
4506 450246 合规性审计 regulatory compliance auditing
4506 450247 合法性审计 legal compliance auditing


首页    商标分类    尼斯分类    第四十五类
    • 客服电话

    • 0755-33942112
    • 服务时间

    • 周一至周六 9:00-18:00
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