第四十类主要包括没有列入其他类别的,对有机物质、无机物质或物品进行机械或者化学处理或者加工的服务,包括定制生产服务。 按分类的要求,只有在为他人提供的情况下,商品的制造或生产才被视为服务。 如果制造或生产不是为履行满足客户的特殊需要、要求或规格的产品订单,则一般从属于制造商交易活动中的主要商业行为或是商品。 如果物质或物品被其处理、加工或制造方交易给第三方,则一般不视为服务。
类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
4001 | 400001 | 打磨 | abrasion |
4001 | 400040 | 层压 | laminating |
4001 | 400041 | 研磨 | grinding |
4001 | 400048 | 研磨抛光 | burnishing by abrasion |
4001 | 400050 | 材料刨削处理 | planing of materials |
4001 | 400052 | 材料锯切服务 | sawing of materials |
4001 | 400083 | 定做材料装配(替他人) | custom assembling of materials for others |
4001 | 400087 | 提供材料处理信息 | providing information relating to material treatment |
4001 | 400101 | 材料硫化处理 | vulcanization [material treatment] |
4001 | 400122 | 喷砂处理服务 | sandblasting services |
4002 | 400004 | 磁化 | magnetization |
4002 | 400007 | 镀银 | silver plating |
4002 | 400011 | 锡焊 | soldering |
4002 | 400013 | 镀镉 | cadmium plating |
4002 | 400017 | 镀铬 | chromium plating |
4002 | 400018 | 金属电镀 | metal plating |
4002 | 400024 | 涂金 | gilding |
4002 | 400026 | 电镀 | electroplating |
4002 | 400027 | 镀锡 | tin plating |
4002 | 400029 | 铁器加工 | blacksmithing |
4002 | 400031 | 铣削加工 | millworking |
4002 | 400034 | 镀锌 | galvanization |
4002 | 400042 | 金属处理 | metal treating |
4002 | 400043 | 金属回火 | metal tempering |
4002 | 400045 | 镀镍 | nickel plating |
4002 | 400085 | 镀金 | gold plating |
4002 | 400086 | 激光划线 | laser scribing |
4002 | 400093 | 精炼 | refining services |
4002 | 400099 | 锅炉制造 | boilermaking |
4002 | 400100 | 金属铸造 | metal casting |
4002 | 400108 | 配钥匙 | key cutting |
4002 | 400125 | 焊接服务 | welding services |
4003 | 400005 | 纺织品精加工 | applying finishes to textiles |
4003 | 400008 | 织物漂白 | fabric bleaching |
4003 | 400010 | 布料边饰处理 | cloth edging |
4003 | 400014 | 织物定型处理 | permanent-press treatment of fabrics |
4003 | 400036 | 布料防水处理 | cloth waterproofing |
4003 | 400036 | 织物防水处理 | fabric waterproofing |
4003 | 400037 | 织物耐火处理 | cloth fireproofing |
4003 | 400037 | 纺织品耐火处理 | fabric fireproofing |
4003 | 400037 | 布料耐火处理 | textile fireproofing |
4003 | 400038 | 服装防皱处理 | crease-resistant treatment for clothing |
4003 | 400039 | 羊毛加工 | wool treating |
4003 | 400046 | 织布机整经 | warping [looms] |
4003 | 400056 | 染色服务 | dyeing services* |
4003 | 400057 | 纺织品染色 | textile dyeing |
4003 | 400058 | 纺织品化学处理 | textile treating |
4003 | 400058 | 布料化学处理 | cloth treating |
4003 | 400059 | 纺织品防蛀处理 | textile mothproofing |
4003 | 400060 | 布料染色 | cloth dyeing |
4003 | 400069 | 布料预缩处理 | cloth pre-shrinking |
4003 | 400120 | 布匹漂洗 | fulling of cloth |
4004 | 400009 | 木器制作 | woodworking |
4004 | 400067 | 木材砍伐和加工 | timber felling and processing |
4005 | 400006 | 纸张加工 | paper finishing |
4005 | 400049 | 书籍装订 | bookbinding |
4005 | 400061 | 纸张处理 | paper treating |
4006 | 400062 | 吹制玻璃器皿 | glass-blowing |
4006 | 400065 | 玻璃窗着色处理(表面涂层) | window tinting treatment being surface coating |
4006 | 400088 | 光学玻璃研磨 | optical glass grinding |
4006 | 400126 | 车窗染色服务 | tinting of car windows |
4007 | 400015 | 烧制陶器 | pottery firing |
4007 | 400015 | 烧制陶器 | firing pottery |
4008 | 400032 | 榨水果 | fruit crushing |
4008 | 400033 | 食物熏制 | food smoking |
4008 | 400044 | 面粉加工 | flour milling |
4008 | 400066 | 食物和饮料的防腐处理 | food and drink preservation |
4008 | 400091 | 油料加工 | processing of oil |
4008 | 400117 | 食物冷冻 | freezing of foods |
4008 | 400128 | 替他人酿造啤酒 | beer brewing for others |
4008 | 400129 | 定制生产面包 | custom manufacturing of bread |
4008 | 400130 | 食品和饮料的巴氏杀菌 | pasteurizing of food and beverages |
4008 | 400130 | 食品和饮料的巴氏杀菌 | pasteurising of food and beverages |
4008 | 400131 | 替他人酿造葡萄酒 | wine making for others |
4008 | 400132 | 葡萄酒酿造咨询 | consultancy in the field of wine making |
4009 | 400055 | 动物标本剥制 | taxidermy |
4009 | 400094 | 动物屠宰 | slaughtering of animals |
4009 | 400095 | 剥制加工 | stripping finishes |
4010 | 400012 | 服装制作 | dressmaking |
4010 | 400016 | 染鞋 | shoe staining |
4010 | 400019 | 皮革染色 | leather staining |
4010 | 400020 | 裘皮定型 | fur conditioning |
4010 | 400021 | 布料剪裁 | cloth cutting |
4010 | 400028 | 裘皮时装加工 | custom fashioning of fur |
4010 | 400030 | 皮毛防蛀处理 | fur mothproofing |
4010 | 400047 | 皮革修整 | skin dressing |
4010 | 400051 | 马具(鞍具)制作 | saddlery working |
4010 | 400053 | 服装定制 | custom tailoring |
4010 | 400054 | 鞣革 | tanning |
4010 | 400063 | 刺绣 | embroidering |
4010 | 400064 | 皮革加工 | leather working |
4010 | 400070 | 裘皮上光 | fur glossing |
4010 | 400071 | 使裘皮具有缎子光泽 | fur satining |
4010 | 400072 | 裘皮染色 | fur dyeing |
4010 | 400092 | 缝被子 | quilting |
4010 | 400098 | 服装修改 | clothing alteration |
4010 | 400112 | 针织机出租 | knitting machine rental |
4011 | 400002 | 电影胶片冲洗 | processing of cinematographic films |
4011 | 400022 | 图样印刷 | pattern printing |
4011 | 400023 | 照相底片冲洗 | photographic film development |
4011 | 400089 | 照片冲印 | photographic printing |
4011 | 400090 | 照相凹版印刷 | photogravure |
4011 | 400107 | 分色 | colour separation services |
4011 | 400110 | 平版印刷 | lithographic printing |
4011 | 400111 | 印刷 | printing |
4011 | 400113 | 胶印 | offset printing |
4011 | 400114 | 照相排版 | photocomposing services |
4011 | 400115 | 丝网印刷 | silkscreen printing |
4012 | 400068 | 废物和垃圾的回收利用 | recycling of waste and trash |
4012 | 400097 | 废物处理(变形) | waste treatment [transformation] |
4012 | 400105 | 废物和垃圾的销毁 | destruction of waste and trash |
4012 | 400106 | 废物和垃圾的焚化 | incineration of waste and trash |
4012 | 400109 | 净化有害材料 | decontamination of hazardous materials |
4012 | 400116 | 废物和可回收材料的分类(变形) | sorting of waste and recyclable material [transformation] |
4012 | 400124 | 废物再生 | upcycling [waste recycling] |
4013 | 400003 | 空气净化 | air purification |
4013 | 400081 | 空气除臭 | air deodorizing |
4013 | 400081 | 空气除臭 | air deodorising |
4013 | 400082 | 空气清新 | air freshening |
4013 | 400118 | 空调设备出租 | rental of air-conditioning apparatus |
4013 | 400119 | 空间供暖设备出租 | rental of space heating apparatus |
4014 | 400025 | 水处理 | water treating |
4015 | 400035 | 雕刻 | engraving |
4015 | 400084 | 艺术品装框 | framing of works of art |
4015 | 400102 | 牙科技师服务 | services of a dental technician |
4015 | 400103 | 能源生产 | production of energy |
4015 | 400104 | 发电机出租 | rental of generators |
4015 | 400121 | 超低温冷冻服务(生命科学) | cryopreservation services |
4015 | 400123 | 锅炉出租 | rental of boilers |
4015 | 400127 | 替他人定制3D打印 | custom 3D printing for others |