















类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
3701 370031 建筑施工监督 building construction supervision
3701 370104 提供建筑信息 providing construction information
3701 370105 提供维修信息 providing information relating to repairs
3701 370131 建筑咨询 construction consultancy
3702 370005 铺沥青 asphalting
3702 370013 推土机出租 rental of bulldozers
3702 370020 建筑设备出租 rental of construction equipment
3702 370029 建筑 construction*
3702 370030 水下建筑 underwater construction
3702 370036 拆除建筑物 demolition of buildings
3702 370041 仓库建筑和修理 warehouse construction and repair
3702 370042 建筑物防水 building sealing
3702 370042 建筑物防水 damp-proofing [building]
3702 370044 挖掘机出租 rental of excavators
3702 370047 熔炉的安装与修理 furnace installation and repair
3702 370052 工厂建造 factory construction
3702 370054 建筑物隔热隔音 building insulating
3702 370059 砖石建筑 masonry
3702 370061 码头防浪堤建筑 pier breakwater building
3702 370063 管道铺设和维护 pipeline construction and maintenance
3702 370069 用浮石磨光 pumicing
3702 370070 粉刷 plastering
3702 370071 安装维修水管 plumbing
3702 370074 港口建造 harbour construction
3702 370081 铆接 riveting
3702 370090 清洗机出租 rental of cleaning machines
3702 370093 搭脚手架 scaffolding
3702 370101 砌砖 bricklaying
3702 370109 铺路 road paving
3702 370110 用砂纸打磨 sanding
3702 370111 水下修理 underwater repair
3702 370115 商业摊位及商店的建筑 building of fair stalls and shops
3702 370120 建筑用起重机出租 rental of cranes [construction equipment]
3702 370122 盖房顶 roofing services
3702 370128 安装门窗 installation of doors and windows
3702 370140 电缆铺设 laying of cable
3703 370107 采矿 mining extraction
3703 370108 采石服务 quarrying services
3703 370114 钻井 drilling of wells
3703 370133 深层油井或气井的钻探 drilling of deep oil or gas wells
3703 370142 水力压裂服务 hydraulic fracturing services
3703 370142 水力压裂服务 fracking services
3704 370009 清洁建筑物(内部) cleaning of buildings [interior]
3704 370017 室内装潢修理 upholstery repair
3704 370026 清扫烟囱 chimney sweeping
3704 370040 招牌的油漆或修理 painting or repair of signs
3704 370045 清洁窗户 window cleaning
3704 370064 贴墙纸 paper hanging
3704 370064 贴墙纸 wallpapering
3704 370067 室内装潢 upholstering
3704 370068 室内外油漆 painting, interior and exterior
3704 370086 涂清漆服务 varnishing
3704 370112 清洁建筑物(外表面) cleaning of buildings [exterior surface]
3704 370121 扫路机出租 rental of road sweeping machines
3704 370124 清扫街道 street cleaning
3704 370149 除雪 snow removal
3705 370011 锅炉清洁和修理 boiler cleaning and repair
3705 370012 燃烧器保养与修理 burner maintenance and repair
3705 370024 加热设备安装和修理 heating equipment installation and repair
3706 370003 电器的安装和修理 electric appliance installation and repair
3706 370014 办公机器和设备的安装、保养和修理 office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair
3706 370028 空调设备的安装和修理 installation and repair of air-conditioning apparatus
3706 370035 厨房设备安装 kitchen equipment installation
3706 370053 灌溉设备的安装和修理 irrigation devices installation and repair
3706 370058 机械安装、保养和修理 machinery installation, maintenance and repair
3706 370078 冷冻设备的安装和修理 freezing equipment installation and repair
3706 370116 计算机硬件安装、维护和修理 installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware
3706 370117 清除电子设备的干扰 interference suppression in electrical apparatus
3706 370118 修复磨损或部分损坏的发动机 rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed
3706 370119 修复磨损或部分损坏的机器 rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed
3706 370130 鼓粉盒的再填充 refilling of toner cartridges
3706 370148 防洪设备的安装和修理 installation and repair of flood protection equipment
3706 370150 墨盒的再填充 refilling of ink cartridges
3707 370006 汽车保养和修理 motor vehicle maintenance and repair
3707 370049 运载工具加润滑油服务 vehicle greasing
3707 370055 运载工具清洗服务 vehicle washing
3707 370072 运载工具上光服务 vehicle polishing
3707 370082 运载工具防锈处理服务 anti-rust treatment for vehicles
3707 370083 车辆服务站(加油和保养) vehicle service stations [refuelling and maintenance]
3707 370085 运载工具保养服务 vehicle maintenance
3707 370087 运载工具清洁服务 vehicle cleaning
3707 370089 运载工具故障修理服务 vehicle breakdown repair services
3707 370137 运载工具电池充电服务 vehicle battery charging
3707 370151 电动运载工具充电服务 charging of electric vehicles
3708 370008 飞机保养与修理 airplane maintenance and repair
3708 370049 运载工具加润滑油服务 vehicle lubrication
3708 370055 运载工具清洗服务  
3708 370072 运载工具上光服务  
3708 370082 运载工具防锈处理服务  
3708 370085 运载工具保养服务  
3708 370087 运载工具清洁服务  
3708 370089 运载工具故障修理服务  
3708 370137 运载工具电池充电服务  
3708 370151 电动运载工具充电服务  
3709 370021 造船 shipbuilding
3709 370049 运载工具加润滑油服务  
3709 370055 运载工具清洗服务  
3709 370072 运载工具上光服务  
3709 370082 运载工具防锈处理服务  
3709 370085 运载工具保养服务  
3709 370087 运载工具清洁服务  
3709 370089 运载工具故障修理服务  
3709 370137 运载工具电池充电服务  
3709 370151 电动运载工具充电服务  
3709 370152 “国外特有小类” housekeeping services [cleaning services]
3710 370002 照相器材修理 photographic apparatus repair
3710 370046 电影放映机的修理和维护 film projector repair and maintenance
3711 370051 钟表修理 clock and watch repair
3712 370018 保险库的保养和修理 strong-room maintenance and repair
3712 370027 保险柜的保养和修理 safe maintenance and repair
3712 370125 修保险锁 repair of security locks
3713 370037 防锈 rustproofing
3713 370080 重新镀锡 re-tinning
3714 370077 轮胎翻新 retreading of tyres
3714 370077 轮胎翻新 retreading of tires
3714 370113 轮胎硫化处理(修理) vulcanization of tyres [repair]
3714 370113 轮胎硫化处理(修理) vulcanization of tires [repair]
3714 370138 轮胎动平衡服务 tyre balancing
3714 370138 轮胎动平衡服务 tire balancing
3715 370001 家具保养 furniture maintenance
3715 370060 家具修复 furniture restoration
3715 370132 木工服务 carpentry services
3716 370010 洗烫衣服 laundering
3716 370022 服装翻新 renovation of clothing
3716 370032 修补衣服 clothing repair
3716 370034 皮革保养、清洁和修补 leather care, cleaning and repair
3716 370048 皮毛保养、清洁和修补 fur care, cleaning and repair
3716 370050 清洗衣服 cleaning of clothing
3716 370056 清洗亚麻制品 washing of linen
3716 370057 “国外特有小类” washing
3716 370062 熨衣服 pressing of clothing
3716 370079 亚麻制品熨烫 linen ironing
3716 370102 清洗尿布 diaper cleaning
3716 370103 干洗 dry cleaning
3716 370135 洗衣机出租 rental of laundry washing machines
3717 370038 消毒 disinfecting
3717 370091 灭害虫(非农业、非水产养殖业、非园艺、非林业目的) vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry
3717 370141 医疗器械的杀菌 sterilization of medical instruments
3717 370141 医疗器械的杀菌 sterilisation of medical instruments
3717 370143 虫害防治服务(非农业、非水产养殖业、非园艺、非林业目的) pest control services, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry
3718 370004 电梯安装和修理 elevator installation and repair
3718 370004 电梯安装和修理 lift installation and repair
3718 370015 火警器的安装与修理 fire alarm installation and repair
3718 370016 防盗报警系统的安装与修理 burglar alarm installation and repair
3718 370025 修鞋 shoe repair
3718 370065 雨伞修理 umbrella repair
3718 370066 阳伞修理 parasol repair
3718 370073 气筒或泵的修理 pump repair
3718 370084 电话安装和修理 telephone installation and repair
3718 370106 磨刀 knife sharpening
3718 370123 人工造雪 artificial snow-making services
3718 370126 艺术品修复 restoration of works of art
3718 370127 乐器修复 restoration of musical instruments
3718 370129 游泳池维护 swimming-pool maintenance
3718 370134 排水泵出租 rental of drainage pumps
3718 370136 维修电力线路 repair of power lines
3718 370139 乐器调音 tuning of musical instruments
3718 370144 洗碗机出租 rental of dishwashing machines
3718 370145 碗碟干燥机出租 rental of dish drying machines
3718 370146 “国外特有小类” installation of utilities in construction sites
3718 370147 “国外特有小类” services of electricians
3718 370153 手机电池充电服务 cell phone battery charging services


首页    商标分类    尼斯分类    第三十七类
    • 客服电话

    • 0755-33942112
    • 服务时间

    • 周一至周六 9:00-18:00
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