




⑵对工商企业的业务活动或者商业职能的管理进行帮助; 以及由广告部门为各种商品或服务提供的服务,旨在通过各种传播方式向公众进行广告宣传。 








类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
3501 350003 张贴广告 bill-posting
3501 350008 广告材料分发 dissemination of advertising matter
3501 350023 货物展出 demonstration of goods
3501 350024 直接邮件广告 direct mail advertising
3501 350027 广告材料更新 updating of advertising material
3501 350028 样品散发 distribution of samples
3501 350035 广告材料出租 publicity material rental
3501 350038 广告文本的出版 publication of publicity texts
3501 350039 广告宣传 advertising
3501 350039 广告 publicity
3501 350040 无线电广告 radio advertising
3501 350044 电视广告 television advertising
3501 350046 商业橱窗布置 shop window dressing
3501 350047 广告代理 advertising agency services
3501 350047 广告代理 publicity agency services
3501 350049 为广告或推销提供模特服务 modelling for advertising or sales promotion
3501 350070 广告空间出租 rental of advertising space
3501 350077 通过邮购定单进行的广告宣传 advertising by mail order
3501 350084 计算机网络上的在线广告 online advertising on a computer network
3501 350087 在通信媒体上出租广告时间 rental of advertising time on communication media
3501 350092 为零售目的在通信媒体上展示商品 presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes
3501 350099 撰写广告文本 writing of publicity texts
3501 350101 广告版面设计 layout services for advertising purposes
3501 350104 广告片制作 production of advertising films
3501 350113 点击付费广告 pay per click advertising
3501 350121 广告概念开发 development of advertising concepts
3501 350125 广告牌出租 rental of billboards [advertising boards]
3501 350132 广告脚本编写 scriptwriting for advertising purposes
3501 350137 制作电视购物节目 production of teleshopping programmes
3501 350137 制作电视购物节目 production of teleshopping programs
3501 350139 广告传播策略咨询 consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies
3501 350141 通过体育赛事赞助推广商品和服务 promotion of goods and services through sponsorship of sports events
3501 350152 户外广告 outdoor advertising
3501 350153 “国外特有小类” retail services for works of art provided by art galleries
3502 350001 商业管理辅助 business management assistance
3502 350002 商业询价 business inquiries
3502 350006 商业信息代理 commercial information agency services
3502 350007 成本价格分析 cost price analysis
3502 350018 商业管理和组织咨询 business management and organization consultancy
3502 350020 商业管理咨询 business management consultancy
3502 350025 工商管理辅助 commercial or industrial management assistance
3502 350029 经营效率专家服务 business efficiency expert services
3502 350031 市场分析 market studies
3502 350032 商业评估 business appraisals
3502 350033 商业调查 business investigations
3502 350036 商业组织咨询 business organization consultancy
3502 350041 商业研究 business research
3502 350042 公共关系 public relations
3502 350048 商业管理顾问 advisory services for business management
3502 350051 市场营销研究 marketing research
3502 350062 商业专业咨询 professional business consultancy
3502 350063 经济预测 economic forecasting
3502 350064 组织商业或广告展览 organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes
3502 350065 提供商业信息 providing business information
3502 350066 民意测验 opinion polling
3502 350069 商业企业迁移的管理服务 administrative services for the relocation of businesses
3502 350078 饭店商业管理 business management of hotels
3502 350082 组织商品交易会 organization of trade fairs
3502 350091 价格比较服务 price comparison services
3502 350093 为消费者提供商品和服务选择方面的商业信息和建议 providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services
3502 350096 特许经营的商业管理 commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others
3502 350097 外包服务(商业辅助) outsourcing services [business assistance]
3502 350100 统计资料汇编 compilation of statistics
3502 350103 为广告宣传目的组织时装表演 organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes
3502 350110 提供商业和商务联系信息 providing commercial and business contact information
3502 350114 商业中介服务 commercial intermediation services
3502 350116 为第三方进行商业贸易的谈判和缔约 negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties
3502 350118 为建筑项目进行商业项目管理服务 business project management services for construction projects
3502 350119 通过网站提供商业信息 providing business information via a website
3502 350122 为公司提供外包行政管理 outsourced administrative management for companies
3502 350124 补偿项目的商业管理(替他人) business management of reimbursement programmes for others
3502 350124 补偿项目的商业管理(替他人) business management of reimbursement programs for others
3502 350128 飞行常客计划管理 administration of frequent flyer programs
3502 350131 消费者忠诚度计划管理 administration of consumer loyalty programs
3502 350136 为需要资金的企业匹配潜在投资人的商业中介服务 business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding
3502 350138 公共关系传播策略咨询 consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies
3502 350140 替他人进行商业合同谈判 negotiation of business contracts for others
3502 350142 竞争情报服务 competitive intelligence services
3502 350143 市场情报服务 market intelligence services
3502 350149 礼物登记服务(为出售目的管理商品清单) gift registry services
3502 350151 临时性商业管理 interim business management
3502 350154 关于响应招标的管理辅助 administrative assistance in responding to calls for tenders
3502 350154 关于响应招标的管理辅助 administrative assistance in responding to requests for proposals [RFPs]
3502 350156 媒体关系服务 media relations services
3502 350157 “国外特有小类” corporate communications services
3502 350159 商业游说服务 commercial lobbying services
3502 350160 为商业或广告目的提供用户评价 providing user reviews for commercial or advertising purposes
3502 350161 为商业或广告目的提供用户排名 providing user rankings for commercial or advertising purposes
3502 350161 为商业或广告目的提供用户评级 providing user ratings for commercial or advertising purposes
3502 350164 为商业和营销目的进行消费者分析 consumer profiling for commercial or marketing purposes
3503 350005 进出口代理 import-export agency services
3503 350030 拍卖 auctioneering
3503 350071 替他人推销 sales promotion for others
3503 350085 替他人采购(替其他企业购买商品或服务) procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]
3503 350106 市场营销 marketing
3503 350107 电话市场营销 telemarketing services
3503 350120 为商品和服务的买卖双方提供在线市场 provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services
3503 350150 定向市场营销 targeted marketing
3503 350155 软件出版框架下的市场营销 marketing in the framework of software publishing
3504 350012 职业介绍 employment agency services
3504 350019 人事管理咨询 personnel management consultancy
3504 350068 人员招聘 personnel recruitment
3504 350079 演员的商业管理 business management of performing artists
3504 350090 为挑选人才而进行的心理测试 psychological testing for the selection of personnel
3504 350105 运动员的商业管理 business management of sports people
3504 350115 自由职业者的商业管理 business management for freelance service providers
3506 350009 复印服务 photocopying services
3506 350013 办公机器和设备出租 office machines and equipment rental*
3506 350022 打字 typing
3506 350043 速记 shorthand
3506 350045 谈话记录(办公事务) transcription of communications [office functions]
3506 350061 计算机文档管理 computerized file management
3506 350072 文秘 secretarial services
3506 350074 为外出客户应接电话 telephone answering for unavailable subscribers
3506 350075 文字处理 word processing
3506 350076 替他人订阅报纸 arranging newspaper subscriptions for others
3506 350080 将信息编入计算机数据库 compilation of information into computer databases
3506 350081 计算机数据库信息系统化 systemization of information into computer databases
3506 350083 复印机出租 rental of photocopying machines
3506 350086 替他人在计算机文件中检索数据 data search in computer files for others
3506 350088 报刊剪贴 news clipping services
3506 350094 替他人预订电信服务 arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others
3506 350095 对购买定单进行行政处理 administrative processing of purchase orders
3506 350098 开发票 invoicing
3506 350111 为推销优化搜索引擎 search engine optimization for sales promotion
3506 350111 为推销优化搜索引擎 search engine optimisation for sales promotion
3506 350112 网站流量优化 website traffic optimization 
3506 350112 网站流量优化 website traffic optimisation
3506 350117 在计算机数据库中更新和维护数据 updating and maintenance of data in computer databases
3506 350126 替他人写简历 writing of curriculum vitae for others
3506 350126 替他人写简历 writing of résumés for others
3506 350127 为商业或广告目的编制网页索引 web indexing for commercial or advertising purposes
3506 350129 预约安排服务(办公事务) appointment scheduling services [office functions]
3506 350130 预约提醒服务(办公事务) appointment reminder services [office functions]
3506 350133 书面的讯息和数据的登记 registration of written communications and data
3506 350134 已登记信息的更新和维护 updating and maintenance of information in registries
3506 350135 为商业或广告目的汇编信息索引 compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes
3506 350158 在共享工作设施内出租办公设备 rental of office equipment in co-working facilities
3506 350162 电话总机应接服务 telephone switchboard services
3506 350163 “国外特有小类” retail services relating to bakery products
3506 350165 医疗转诊的行政服务 administrative services for medical referrals
3507 350015 会计 book-keeping
3507 350015 簿记 accounting
3507 350016 编制账目报表 drawing up of statements of accounts
3507 350017 商业审计 business auditing
3507 350067 拟备工资单 payroll preparation
3507 350073 税款准备 tax preparation
3507 350123 税务申报服务 tax filing services
3507 350144 财务审计 financial auditing
3507 350145 “国外特有小类” online retail services for downloadable digital music
3507 350146 “国外特有小类” online retail services for downloadable ring tones
3507 350147 “国外特有小类” online retail services for downloadable and pre-recorded music and movies
3508 350089 自动售货机出租 rental of vending machines
3508 350102 寻找赞助 sponsorship search
3508 350109 销售展示架出租 rental of sales stands
3509 350108 药用、兽医用、卫生用制剂和医疗用品的零售服务 retail services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies
3509 350148 药用、兽医用、卫生用制剂和医疗用品的批发服务 wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies


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