



——烟草代用品(非医用的)。 本类尤其不包括: 



类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
3401 340003 烟草 tobacco
3401 340012 嚼烟 chewing tobacco
3401 340013 雪茄 cigars
3401 340019 非医用含烟草代用品的香烟 cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes
3401 340020 香烟 cigarettes
3401 340025 小雪茄 cigarillos
3401 340028 烟用草本植物 herbs for smoking*
3401 340033 鼻烟 snuff
3402 340002 雪茄及香烟烟嘴上黄琥珀烟嘴头 tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders
3402 340004 烟袋 tobacco pouches
3402 340005 香烟嘴 cigarette tips
3402 340009 烟斗 tobacco pipes
3402 340014 雪茄切刀 cigar cutters
3402 340015 雪茄烟盒 cigar cases
3402 340016 香烟盒 cigarette cases
3402 340017 雪茄烟嘴 cigar holders
3402 340021 袖珍卷烟器 pocket machines for rolling cigarettes
3402 340022 香烟烟嘴 cigarette holders
3402 340023 香烟烟嘴头 mouthpieces for cigarette holders
3402 340026 烟斗通条 pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes
3402 340030 烟斗搁架 pipe racks for tobacco pipes
3402 340032 烟草罐 tobacco jars
3402 340034 鼻烟壶 snuff boxes
3402 340036 烟灰缸 ashtrays for smokers
3402 340037 吸烟者用痰盂 spittoons for tobacco users
3402 340038 (防止烟草变干的)保润盒 humidors
3402 340041 吸烟者用口腔雾化器 oral vaporizers for smokers
3402 340045 水烟袋 hookahs
3403 340001 火柴 matches
3403 340031 火柴架 match holders
3403 340035 火柴盒 matchboxes
3404 340007 吸烟用打火机 lighters for smokers
3404 340008 点烟器用气罐 gas containers for cigar lighters
3404 340027 打火石 firestones
3404 340044 吸烟打火机用火芯 wicks adapted for cigarette lighters
3405 340006 香烟过滤嘴 cigarette filters
3405 340010 小本卷烟纸 books of cigarette papers
3405 340011 烟斗吸水纸 absorbent paper for tobacco pipes
3405 340024 卷烟纸 cigarette paper
3406 340042 除香精油外的烟草用调味品 flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco
3406 340042 除香精油外的烟草用调味品 flavorings, other than essential oils, for tobacco
3406 340043 除香精油外的电子香烟用调味品 flavourings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes
3406 340043 除香精油外的电子香烟用调味品 flavorings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes
3407 340039 电子香烟 electronic cigarettes
3407 340040 电子香烟烟液 liquid solutions for use in electronic cigarettes


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