类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
3101 | 310008 | 树木 | trees |
3101 | 310009 | 圣诞树 | Christmas trees* |
3101 | 310010 | 树干 | trunks of trees |
3101 | 310011 | 灌木 | shrubs |
3101 | 310011 | 灌木 | bushes |
3101 | 310017 | 未切锯木材 | unsawn timber |
3101 | 310018 | 制木浆的木片 | wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp |
3101 | 310019 | 未加工木材 | undressed timber |
3101 | 310071 | 植物 | plants |
3101 | 310072 | 籽苗 | seedlings |
3101 | 310078 | 未加工软木 | rough cork |
3101 | 310100 | 棕榈叶(棕榈树叶) | palms [leaves of the palm tree] |
3101 | 310101 | 棕榈树 | palm trees |
3101 | 310139 | 未加工树皮 | raw barks |
3102 | 310012 | 燕麦 | oats |
3102 | 310020 | 未加工可可豆 | cocoa beans, raw |
3102 | 310061 | 小麦 | wheat |
3102 | 310066 | 谷(谷类) | grains [cereals] |
3102 | 310082 | 玉米 | maize |
3102 | 310095 | 大麦 | barley* |
3102 | 310118 | 黑麦 | rye |
3102 | 310120 | 未加工的食用芝麻 | edible sesame, unprocessed |
3102 | 310144 | 未加工稻谷 | rice, unprocessed |
3102 | 310160 | 未加工的食用亚麻籽 | edible linseed, unprocessed |
3102 | 310160 | 未加工的食用亚麻籽 | edible flaxseed, unprocessed |
3102 | 310164 | 未加工的甜玉米棒(剥皮的或未剥皮的) | unprocessed sweet corn ears [husked or unhusked] |
3102 | 310165 | 未加工藜麦 | quinoa, unprocessed |
3102 | 310166 | 未加工荞麦 | buckwheat, unprocessed |
3103 | 310038 | 啤酒花果穗 | hop cones |
3103 | 310038 | 蛇麻球果 | |
3103 | 310044 | 自然花制花环 | wreaths of natural flowers |
3103 | 310046 | 草制覆盖物 | straw mulch |
3103 | 310055 | 自然花 | flowers, natural |
3103 | 310056 | 装饰用干花 | flowers, dried, for decoration |
3103 | 310057 | 花粉(原材料) | pollen [raw material] |
3103 | 310058 | 干草 | hay |
3103 | 310063 | 自然草皮 | turf, natural |
3103 | 310063 | 自然草皮 | sod |
3103 | 310070 | 新鲜的园艺草本植物 | garden herbs, fresh |
3103 | 310071 | 植物 | |
3103 | 310072 | 籽苗 | |
3103 | 310073 | 啤酒花(蛇麻子) | hops |
3103 | 310091 | 花卉球茎 | flower bulbs |
3103 | 310091 | 球茎 | bulbs |
3103 | 310096 | 荨麻 | nettles |
3103 | 310104 | 藤本植物 | vine plants |
3103 | 310106 | 辣椒(植物) | peppers [plants] |
3103 | 310107 | 装饰用干植物 | plants, dried, for decoration |
3103 | 310117 | 蔷薇丛 | rose bushes |
3103 | 310148 | 芦荟(植物) | aloe vera plants |
3104 | 310005 | 供展览用动物 | menagerie animals |
3104 | 310006 | 活动物 | live animals |
3104 | 310041 | 贝壳类动物(活的) | shellfish, live |
3104 | 310045 | 孵化蛋(已受精) | eggs for hatching, fertilized |
3104 | 310045 | 孵化蛋(已受精) | eggs for hatching, fertilised |
3104 | 310089 | 鱼卵 | fish spawn |
3104 | 310090 | 蚕种 | silkworm eggs |
3104 | 310103 | 活鱼 | fish, live |
3104 | 310119 | 蚕 | silkworms |
3104 | 310123 | 活家禽 | poultry, live |
3104 | 310133 | 小龙虾(活的) | crayfish, live |
3104 | 310134 | 甲壳动物(活的) | crustaceans, live |
3104 | 310135 | 龙虾(活的) | lobsters, live |
3104 | 310136 | 贻贝(活的) | mussels, live |
3104 | 310137 | 牡蛎(活的) | oysters, live |
3104 | 310140 | 多刺龙虾(活的) | spiny lobsters, live |
3104 | 310145 | 海参(活的) | sea-cucumbers, live |
3104 | 310154 | 鲱鱼(活的) | herrings, live |
3104 | 310155 | 鲑鱼(活的) | salmon, live |
3104 | 310156 | 沙丁鱼(活的) | sardines, live |
3104 | 310157 | 金枪鱼(活的) | tuna, live |
3104 | 310162 | 鳀鱼(活的) | anchovy, live |
3104 | 310163 | 可食用昆虫(活的) | edible insects, live |
3104 | 310167 | 锦鲤(活的) | koi carp, live |
3104 | 310168 | 软体动物(活的) | molluscs, live |
3104 | 310168 | 软体动物(活的) | mollusks, live |
3105 | 310002 | 新鲜柑橘 | citrus fruit, fresh |
3105 | 310004 | 未加工的坚果 | nuts, unprocessed |
3105 | 310013 | 新鲜浆果 | berries, fresh |
3105 | 310021 | 甘蔗 | sugarcane |
3105 | 310027 | 新鲜栗子 | chestnuts, fresh |
3105 | 310032 | 新鲜柠檬 | lemons, fresh |
3105 | 310033 | 椰子壳 | coconut shell |
3105 | 310034 | 椰子 | coconuts |
3105 | 310040 | 干椰肉 | copra |
3105 | 310062 | 新鲜水果 | fruit, fresh |
3105 | 310064 | 桧树果 | juniper berries |
3105 | 310074 | 可乐果 | kola nuts |
3105 | 310074 | 可乐果 | cola nuts |
3105 | 310087 | 新鲜榛子 | hazelnuts, fresh |
3105 | 310093 | 新鲜橄榄 | olives, fresh |
3105 | 310094 | 新鲜桔 | oranges, fresh |
3105 | 310105 | 松树球果 | pine cones |
3105 | 310115 | 新鲜葡萄 | grapes, fresh |
3105 | 310125 | 扁桃(水果) | almonds [fruits] |
3105 | 310126 | 新鲜花生 | peanuts, fresh |
3105 | 310161 | 新鲜水果制果篮 | arrangements of fresh fruit |
3106 | 310003 | 人或动物食用的未加工海藻 | algae, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption |
3106 | 310003 | 人或动物食用的未加工海藻 | seaweed, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption |
3106 | 310015 | 新鲜甜菜 | beet, fresh |
3106 | 310022 | 新鲜角豆(带荚) | locust beans, raw |
3106 | 310024 | 新鲜蘑菇 | mushrooms, fresh |
3106 | 310029 | 菊苣根 | chicory roots |
3106 | 310030 | 新鲜菊苣 | chicory, fresh |
3106 | 310037 | 新鲜黄瓜 | cucumbers, fresh |
3106 | 310042 | 新鲜蔬菜 | vegetables, fresh |
3106 | 310043 | 新鲜南瓜 | squashes, fresh |
3106 | 310054 | 鲜豆(带荚) | beans, fresh |
3106 | 310075 | 新鲜莴苣 | lettuce, fresh |
3106 | 310076 | 新鲜小扁豆(带荚) | lentils, fresh |
3106 | 310092 | 新鲜洋葱 | onions, fresh |
3106 | 310108 | 新鲜韭葱 | leeks, fresh |
3106 | 310109 | 新鲜豌豆(带荚) | peas, fresh |
3106 | 310110 | 新鲜土豆 | potatoes, fresh |
3106 | 310116 | 大黄(新鲜蔬菜) | rhubarb, fresh |
3106 | 310121 | 新鲜块菌 | truffles, fresh |
3106 | 310149 | 新鲜菠菜 | spinach, fresh |
3106 | 310153 | 新鲜洋蓟 | artichokes, fresh |
3106 | 310158 | 新鲜蒜 | garlic, fresh |
3106 | 310159 | 新鲜西葫芦 | vegetable marrows, fresh |
3106 | 310170 | 食用鲜花 | edible flowers, fresh |
3106 | 310171 | 新鲜姜 | ginger, fresh |
3106 | 310172 | 新鲜黄豆(带荚) | soya beans, fresh |
3106 | 310173 | “国外特有小类” | cannabis plants |
3106 | 310174 | “国外特有小类” | cannabis, unprocessed |
3107 | 310023 | 未加工谷种 | cereal seeds, unprocessed |
3107 | 310025 | 蘑菇繁殖菌 | mushroom spawn for propagation |
3107 | 310065 | 培育植物用胚芽(种子) | seed germ for botanical purposes |
3107 | 310068 | 植物种子 | seeds for planting |
3107 | 310068 | 植物种子 | plant seeds |
3108 | 310007 | 动物食品 | animal foodstuffs |
3108 | 310014 | 牲畜用盐 | salt for cattle |
3108 | 310016 | 糠 | bran |
3108 | 310026 | 油渣饼 | oil cake |
3108 | 310026 | 饲料饼 | cattle cake |
3108 | 310028 | 动物饲料用氧化钙 | lime for animal forage |
3108 | 310031 | 狗食用饼干 | dog biscuits |
3108 | 310035 | 鸟食 | bird food |
3108 | 310036 | 牲畜用菜籽饼 | rape cake for cattle |
3108 | 310039 | 动物食用糠料 | bran mash for animal consumption |
3108 | 310048 | 动物食用酿酒废料 | distillery waste for animal consumption |
3108 | 310049 | 渣滓(饲料) | draff |
3108 | 310050 | 饲养备料 | bred stock |
3108 | 310052 | 动物催肥剂 | animal fattening preparations |
3108 | 310052 | 家畜催肥剂 | livestock fattening preparations |
3108 | 310053 | 米粉饲料 | rice meal for forage |
3108 | 310059 | 牲畜强壮饲料 | strengthening animal forage |
3108 | 310060 | 饲料 | fodder |
3108 | 310060 | 牲畜饲料 | cattle food |
3108 | 310060 | 牲畜饲料 | forage |
3108 | 310067 | 动物食用谷类 | grains for animal consumption |
3108 | 310069 | 家禽食用去壳谷物 | groats for poultry |
3108 | 310077 | 动物食用酵母 | yeast for animal consumption |
3108 | 310079 | 亚麻粉(饲料) | flax meal [fodder] |
3108 | 310083 | 牲畜食用玉米饼 | maize cake for cattle |
3108 | 310086 | 水果渣 | fruit residue [marc] |
3108 | 310086 | 果渣 | marc |
3108 | 310088 | 动物食用谷粉 | meal for animals |
3108 | 310097 | 鸟用乌贼骨 | cuttle bone for birds |
3108 | 310099 | 稻草(饲料) | straw [forage] |
3108 | 310102 | 家畜催肥熟饲料 | mash for fattening livestock |
3108 | 310111 | 下蛋家禽用备料 | preparations for egg laying poultry |
3108 | 310112 | 动物饲料 | stall food for animals |
3108 | 310114 | 动物食用植物根 | roots for animal consumption |
3108 | 310122 | 蒸馏器蒸馏后余渣 | residue in a still after distillation |
3108 | 310124 | 动物食用豆科类种子和豆荚 | algarovilla for animal consumption |
3108 | 310127 | 动物食用花生粗粉 | peanut meal for animals |
3108 | 310128 | 动物食用花生饼 | peanut cake for animals |
3108 | 310129 | 动物食用谷类加工副产品 | by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption |
3108 | 310129 | 动物食用谷类残余产品 | residual products of cereals for animal consumption |
3108 | 310131 | 甘蔗渣(原料) | bagasses of cane [raw material] |
3108 | 310132 | 鱼饵(活的) | fishing bait, live |
3108 | 310138 | 宠物食品 | pet food |
3108 | 310141 | 动物可食用咀嚼物 | edible chews for animals |
3108 | 310142 | 宠物饮料 | beverages for pets |
3108 | 310143 | 动物食用鱼粉 | fish meal for animal consumption |
3108 | 310150 | 动物食用亚麻籽 | linseed for animal consumption |
3108 | 310150 | 动物食用亚麻籽 | flaxseed for animal consumption |
3108 | 310151 | 动物食用亚麻籽粉 | linseed meal for animal consumption |
3108 | 310151 | 动物食用亚麻籽粉 | flaxseed meal for animal consumption |
3108 | 310152 | 动物食用小麦胚芽 | wheat germ for animal consumption |
3108 | 310169 | 冻干鱼饵 | freeze-dried fishing bait |
3109 | 310084 | 酿酒麦芽 | malt for brewing and distilling |
3110 | 310080 | 动物栖息用干草 | litter for animals |
3110 | 310081 | 动物栖息用泥炭 | litter peat |
3110 | 310098 | 动物垫窝用干稻草 | straw litter |
3110 | 310146 | 宠物用砂纸(垫窝用) | sanded paper [litter] for pets |
3110 | 310147 | 宠物用香砂 | aromatic sand [litter] for pets |