
















类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
3001 300010 咖啡用调味品 coffee flavourings
3001 300010 咖啡用调味品 coffee flavorings
3001 300024 可可 cocoa
3001 300026 咖啡 coffee
3001 300027 未烘过的咖啡 unroasted coffee
3001 300028 作咖啡代用品的植物制剂 vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes
3001 300036 菊苣(咖啡代用品) chicory [coffee substitute]
3001 300083 加奶可可饮料 cocoa beverages with milk
3001 300084 加奶咖啡饮料 coffee beverages with milk
3001 300085 加奶巧克力饮料 chocolate beverages with milk
3001 300149 咖啡饮料 coffee-based beverages
3001 300150 可可饮料 cocoa-based beverages
3001 300151 巧克力饮料 chocolate-based beverages
3001 300152 人造咖啡 artificial coffee
3001 300204 巧克力慕斯酱 chocolate mousses
3001 300241 巧克力抹酱 chocolate-based spreads
3001 300242 含坚果的巧克力抹酱 chocolate spreads containing nuts
3001 300249 炼奶焦糖酱 dulce de leche
3001 300286 已填充的咖啡胶囊 coffee capsules, filled
3002 300037 tea*
3002 300186 冰茶 iced tea
3002 300187 茶饮料 tea-based beverages
3002 300221 用作茶叶代用品的花或叶 flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes
3002 300248 甘菊茶饮料 chamomile-based beverages
3002 300281 昆布茶 kelp tea
3002 300292 加奶的茶饮料 tea beverages with milk
3003 300053 天然增甜剂 natural sweeteners
3003 300069 sugar*
3003 300077 烹饪用葡萄糖 glucose for culinary purposes
3003 300153 冰糖 crystallized rock sugar*
3003 300219 棕榈糖 palm sugar
3004 300008 圣诞树装饰用糖果 confectionery for decorating Christmas trees
3004 300019 薄荷糖 peppermint sweets
3004 300020 糖果 sweets
3004 300020 糖果 candies
3004 300032 焦香糖果 caramels [sweets]
3004 300032 焦香糖果 caramels [candies]
3004 300035 口香糖 chewing gum*
3004 300038 巧克力 chocolate
3004 300039 蛋白杏仁糖果 marzipan
3004 300042 甜食 confectionery
3004 300067 软糖(糖果) fondants [confectionery]
3004 300069  
3004 300094 麦芽糖 maltose
3004 300107 糖果锭剂 lozenges [confectionery]
3004 300107 糖果锭剂 pastilles [confectionery]
3004 300116 果仁糖 pralines
3004 300118 甘草糖 liquorice [confectionery]
3004 300138 杏仁糖 almond confectionery
3004 300139 花生糖 peanut confectionery
3004 300147 甘草茎糖(糖果) stick liquorice [confectionery]
3004 300176 果冻(糖果) fruit jellies [confectionery]
3004 300225 蛋糕用巧克力装饰物 chocolate decorations for cakes
3004 300226 蛋糕用糖果装饰物 candy decorations for cakes
3004 300227 裹巧克力的坚果 chocolate-coated nuts
3004 300245 镜面糖衣 mirror icing [mirror glaze]
3004 300267 水果糖 fruit confectionery
3004 300271 口气清新用薄荷糖 mints for breath freshening
3004 300272 口气清新用口香糖 chewing gum for breath freshening
3004 300289 牛轧糖 nougat
3005 300095 食品用糖蜜 molasses for food
3005 300096 黄色糖浆 golden syrup
3005 300098 蜂蜜 honey
3005 300166 蜂胶 propolis*
3005 300166 蜂胶 bee glue*
3005 300168 蜂王浆 royal jelly*
3005 300244 龙舌兰糖浆(天然增甜剂) agave syrup [natural sweetener]
3006 300004 杏仁糊 almond paste
3006 300013 未发酵面包 unleavened bread
3006 300015 面包干 rusks
3006 300016 饼干 biscuits
3006 300016 饼干 cookies
3006 300017 麦芽饼干 malt biscuits
3006 300022 华夫饼干 waffles
3006 300023 小圆面包 buns
3006 300029 蛋糕 cakes
3006 300042 甜食 sugar confectionery
3006 300043 即食玉米片 corn flakes
3006 300043 即食玉米片 maize flakes
3006 300047 薄烤饼 pancakes
3006 300055 姜饼 gingerbread
3006 300068 小蛋糕 petits fours
3006 300089 马卡龙 macarons
3006 300093 面包 bread*
3006 300104 馅饼(点心) pies
3006 300106 三明治 sandwiches
3006 300108 糕点 pastries
3006 300109 小黄油饼干 petit-beurre biscuits
3006 300110 面包卷 bread rolls
3006 300115 布丁 puddings
3006 300129 果馅饼 tarts
3006 300144 燕麦食品 oat-based food
3006 300145 燕麦片 oat flakes
3006 300146 燕麦粥 oatmeal
3006 300174 薄脆饼干 crackers
3006 300175 蛋奶冻 custard
3006 300177 木斯里麦片(由生燕麦、干果和坚果制的早餐食品) muesli
3006 300178 米糕 rice cakes
3006 300189 面包屑 breadcrumbs
3006 300190 塔博勒色拉(一种由碾碎的干小麦、韭菜、西红柿、薄荷和欧芹制成的黎巴嫩色拉) tabbouleh
3006 300191 哈发糕 halvah
3006 300192 乳蛋饼 quiches
3006 300195 以谷物为主的零食小吃 cereal-based snack food
3006 300196 以米为主的零食小吃 rice-based snack food
3006 300203 糕点用糖霜(糖衣) cake frosting [icing]
3006 300205 甜点慕斯(甜食) dessert mousses [confectionery]
3006 300208 奶酪汉堡包(三明治) cheeseburgers [sandwiches]
3006 300213 人食用小麦胚芽 wheat germ for human consumption
3006 300214 高蛋白谷物条 high-protein cereal bars
3006 300218 谷物棒 cereal bars
3006 300228 米布丁 rice pudding
3006 300253 热狗三明治 hot dog sandwiches
3006 300264 油炸面包丁 croûtons
3006 300264 油炸面包丁 croutons
3006 300268 脆米饼 rice crackers
3006 300275 不含麸质的面包 gluten-free bread
3006 300278 泡芙 profiteroles
3006 300279 羊角面包 croissants
3006 300280 多层酥皮巧克力面包 pains au chocolat
3006 300280 多层酥皮巧克力面包 chocolatines
3006 300282 焦糖炖蛋(甜点) crème brûlée
3006 300285 椰丝蛋白饼 coconut macaroons
3007 300112 比萨饼 pizzas
3007 300117 (意大利式)方形饺 ravioli
3007 300133 肉馅饼 meat pies
3007 300134 法式肉派 pâtés en croûte
3007 300163 古斯古斯饭 couscous
3007 300170 寿司 sushi
3007 300183 春卷 spring rolls
3007 300184 墨西哥式夹饼 tacos
3007 300185 墨西哥式薄饼 tortillas
3007 300224 俄式肉饺 pelmeni
3007 300231 包子 baozi
3007 300233 饺子 jiaozi
3007 300235 咸薄饼 savoury pancakes
3007 300235 咸薄饼 savory pancakes
3007 300237 卷饼 burritos
3007 300238 紫菜包饭 prepared rice rolled in seaweed
3007 300243 面粉制丸子 flour-based dumplings
3007 300246 主要由米制成的冻干食品 freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being rice
3007 300246 主要由米制成的冻干食品 lyophilised dishes with the main ingredient being rice
3007 300246 主要由米制成的冻干食品 lyophilized dishes with the main ingredient being rice
3007 300250 石锅拌饭 bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]
3007 300251 饭团 onigiri
3007 300252 方便米饭 instant rice
3007 300265 土豆薄面饼 potato-based flatbreads
3007 300269 泡菜煎饼 kimchi pancakes
3008 300034 谷类制品 cereal preparations
3008 300057 谷粉 flour*
3008 300057 谷粉 meal*
3008 300058 豆类粗粉 bean meal
3008 300059 玉米面 corn flour
3008 300059 玉米粉 corn meal
3008 300059 玉米粉 maize flour
3008 300059 玉米粉 maize meal
3008 300061 大麦粗粉 barley meal
3008 300062 大豆粉 soya flour
3008 300063 面粉 wheat flour
3008 300071 蛋糕粉 cake powder
3008 300080 人食用的去壳谷物 groats for human food
3008 300091 玉米(磨过的) corn, milled
3008 300091 玉米(磨过的) maize, milled
3008 300092 玉米(烘过的) corn, roasted
3008 300092 玉米(烘过的) maize, roasted
3008 300100 去壳大麦 husked barley
3008 300105 碾碎的大麦 crushed barley
3008 300119 rice
3008 300121 西米 sago
3008 300124 粗面粉 semolina
3008 300142 粗燕麦粉 crushed oats
3008 300143 去壳燕麦 husked oats
3008 300161 薄片(谷类产品) chips [cereal products]
3008 300197 玉米片(碾碎的玉米粒) hominy
3008 300198 玉米粗粉 hominy grits
3008 300213 人食用小麦胚芽  
3008 300229 坚果粉 nut flours
3008 300236 制咸薄饼用混合粉 savoury pancake mixes
3008 300236 制咸薄饼用混合粉 savory pancake mixes
3008 300258 加工过的藜麦 quinoa, processed
3008 300259 碾碎的干小麦 bulgur
3008 300260 加工过的荞麦 buckwheat, processed
3008 300261 荞麦粉 buckwheat flour
3008 300283 制面糊用混合粉 batter mixes
3009 300003 意式面食 pasta
3009 300072 做蛋糕用面团 cake batter
3009 300072 做蛋糕用面团 cake dough
3009 300090 通心粉 macaroni
3009 300103 面条 noodles
3009 300126 意大利面条 spaghetti
3009 300132 意式细面条 vermicelli
3009 300164 食用麦芽膏 malt extract for food
3009 300165 人食用麦芽 malt for human consumption
3009 300202 面条为主的预制食物 noodle-based prepared meals
3009 300220 生面团 dough
3009 300222 油酥面团 pastry dough
3009 300232 食物制作用生米糊 rice pulp for culinary purposes
3009 300234 拉面 ramen
3009 300239 可食用纸 edible paper
3009 300240 可食用米纸 edible rice paper
3009 300247 主要由意式面食制成的冻干食品 freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being pasta
3009 300247 主要由意式面食制成的冻干食品 lyophilised dishes with the main ingredient being pasta
3009 300247 主要由意式面食制成的冻干食品 lyophilized dishes with the main ingredient being pasta
3009 300273 乌冬面 udon noodles
3009 300274 荞麦面条 soba noodles
3009 300277 叻沙 laksa
3009 300284 食用威化纸 edible paper wafers
3010 300044 玉米花 popcorn
3010 300195 以谷物为主的零食小吃  
3010 300196 以米为主的零食小吃  
3010 300268 脆米饼  
3012 300050 烹饪食品用增稠剂 thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs
3012 300065 食用淀粉 starch for food
3012 300088 香肠黏合料 sausage binding materials
3012 300114 土豆粉 potato flour*
3012 300127 木薯淀粉 tapioca
3012 300128 木薯粉 tapioca flour*
3013 300046 冰淇淋 ice cream
3013 300074 冰淇淋凝结剂 binding agents for ice cream
3013 300075 天然或人造冰 ice, natural or artificial
3013 300076 小吃用冰 ice for refreshment
3013 300125 果汁刨冰 sorbets [ices]
3013 300125 果汁刨冰 sherbets [ices]
3013 300136 食用冰 edible ices
3013 300137 冰淇淋粉 powders for making ice cream
3013 300181 冻酸奶(冰冻甜点) frozen yogurt [confectionery ices]
3013 300181 冻酸奶(冰冻甜点) frozen yoghurt [confectionery ices]
3013 300254 (加入饮料用的)冰块 ice cubes
3013 300270 蜜红豆刨冰 shaved ice with sweetened red beans
3013 300288 冰棍 ice pops
3014 300014 食物防腐盐 salt for preserving foodstuffs
3014 300049 食盐 cooking salt
3014 300123 芹菜盐 celery salt
3015 300081 vinegar
3015 300148 啤酒醋 beer vinegar
3015 300179 酱油 soya sauce
3016 300002 海藻(调味品) seaweed [condiment]
3016 300006 茴香子 aniseed
3016 300007 八角大茴香 star aniseed
3016 300009 非医用浸液 infusions, not medicinal
3016 300012 调味料 seasonings
3016 300030 肉桂(调味品) cinnamon [spice]
3016 300031 腌制刺山柑花蕾(调味品) capers
3016 300033 咖喱粉(调味品) curry [spice]
3016 300040 丁香(调味品) cloves [spice]
3016 300041 调味品 condiments
3016 300051 姜黄 turmeric*
3016 300054 香辛料 spices
3016 300056 多香果(香料) allspice
3016 300060 芥末粉 mustard meal
3016 300070 除香精油外的蛋糕用调味品 flavourings, other than essential oils, for cakes
3016 300073 姜粉 ground ginger
3016 300082 番茄酱(调味品) ketchup [sauce]
3016 300101 芥末 mustard
3016 300102 肉豆蔻 nutmegs
3016 300111 辣椒(调味品) peppers [seasonings]
3016 300113 胡椒 pepper
3016 300120 藏红花(佐料) saffron [seasoning]
3016 300122 调味酱汁 sauces [condiments]
3016 300130 烹饪用香草调味品 vanilla flavourings for culinary purposes
3016 300130 烹饪用香草调味品 vanilla flavorings for culinary purposes
3016 300140 除香精油外的食物用调味品 food flavourings, other than essential oils
3016 300141 除香精油外的饮料用调味品 flavourings, other than essential oils, for beverages
3016 300162 酱菜(调味品) chow-chow [condiment]
3016 300167 佐料(调味品) relish [condiment]
3016 300169 海水(烹饪用) seawater for cooking
3016 300171 番茄调味酱 tomato sauce
3016 300172 蛋黄酱 mayonnaise
3016 300182 (印度式)酸辣酱(调味品) chutneys [condiments]
3016 300188 色拉用调味品 dressings for salad
3016 300193 调味肉汁 meat gravies
3016 300194 味噌 miso
3016 300201 腌制香草(调料) garden herbs, preserved [seasonings]
3016 300206 水果酱汁(调味料) fruit coulis [sauces]
3016 300207 腌泡汁 marinades
3016 300209 香蒜酱 pesto
3016 300210 火腿糖汁 ham glaze
3016 300212 烹饪用亚麻籽(调味品) linseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]
3016 300212 烹饪用亚麻籽(调味品) flaxseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]
3016 300217 意式面食调味酱 pasta sauce
3016 300230 蒜末(调味品) minced garlic [condiment]
3016 300255 用作调味品的加工过的种子 processed seeds for use as a seasoning
3016 300256 芝麻(调味品) sesame seeds [seasonings]
3016 300257 酸辣泡菜(调味品) piccalilli
3016 300262 蔓越莓酱(调味品) cranberry sauce [condiment]
3016 300263 苹果酱(调味品) apple sauce [condiment]
3016 300276 酸角(调味品) tamarind [condiment]
3016 300287 烹饪用橙花水 orange blossom water for culinary purposes
3016 300290 哈里萨辣酱(调味品) harissa [condiment]
3016 300291 姜酱(调味品) ginger paste [seasoning]
3017 300066 发面团用酵素 ferments for pastes
3017 300086 发酵剂 leaven
3017 300087 酵母 yeast*
3017 300199 泡打粉 baking powder
3017 300200 苏打粉(烹饪用小苏打) baking soda [bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes]
3017 300200 苏打粉(烹饪用小苏打) bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes [baking soda]
3017 300215 烹饪用酒石酸氢钾(塔塔粉) cream of tartar for culinary purposes
3018 300011 食用芳香剂 aromatic preparations for food
3018 300048 食品用香料(含醚香料和香精油除外) essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils
3018 300070 除香精油外的蛋糕用调味品 flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes
3018 300097 制糖果用薄荷 mint for confectionery
3018 300131 香兰素(香草代用品) vanillin [vanilla substitute]
3018 300140 除香精油外的食物用调味品 food flavorings, other than essential oils
3018 300141 除香精油外的饮料用调味品 flavorings, other than essential oils, for beverages
3019 300045 搅稠奶油制剂 preparations for stiffening whipped cream
3019 300078 食用预制谷蛋白 gluten prepared as foodstuff
3019 300135 家用嫩肉剂 meat tenderizers for household purposes
3019 300216 烹饪用谷蛋白添加剂 gluten additives for culinary purposes


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