类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
2901 | 290013 | 血肠 | black pudding |
2901 | 290013 | 血肠 | blood sausage |
2901 | 290014 | 牛肉清汤 | broth |
2901 | 290014 | 肉汤 | bouillon |
2901 | 290015 | 牛肉清汤汤料 | preparations for making bouillon |
2901 | 290018 | 猪肉食品 | charcuterie |
2901 | 290023 | 牛肉清汤浓缩汁 | broth concentrates |
2901 | 290023 | 肉汤浓缩汁 | bouillon concentrates |
2901 | 290036 | 炸肉饼 | croquettes |
2901 | 290046 | 肉 | meat |
2901 | 290049 | 肉冻 | meat jellies |
2901 | 290050 | 猎物(非活) | game, not live |
2901 | 290063 | 火腿 | ham |
2901 | 290068 | 肉汁 | meat extracts |
2901 | 290076 | 培根 | bacon |
2901 | 290081 | 食用动物骨髓 | animal marrow for food |
2901 | 290088 | 肝酱 | liver pâté |
2901 | 290088 | 肝酱 | liver pastes |
2901 | 290097 | 香肠 | sausages |
2901 | 290098 | 盐腌肉 | salted meats |
2901 | 290112 | 食用肚 | tripe |
2901 | 290114 | 家禽(非活) | poultry, not live |
2901 | 290124 | 肝 | liver |
2901 | 290137 | 腌制肉 | meat, preserved |
2901 | 290139 | 食用蜗牛蛋 | snail eggs for consumption |
2901 | 290142 | 猪肉 | pork |
2901 | 290143 | 食用燕窝 | edible birds' nests |
2901 | 290151 | 人食用蚕蛹 | silkworm chrysalis for human consumption |
2901 | 290153 | 裹面糊的香肠 | sausages in batter |
2901 | 290193 | 日式烤鸡肉串 | yakitori |
2901 | 290194 | 韩式烤牛肉 | bulgogi |
2901 | 290203 | 冻干肉 | freeze-dried meat |
2901 | 290203 | 冻干肉 | lyophilised meat |
2901 | 290203 | 冻干肉 | lyophilized meat |
2901 | 290209 | 预制可食用蚂蚁卵 | edible ant larvae, prepared |
2901 | 290210 | 可食用昆虫(非活) | edible insects, not live |
2901 | 290214 | 热狗肠 | hot dog sausages |
2901 | 290215 | 玉米热狗肠 | corn dogs |
2901 | 290235 | 沙嗲烤肉串 | satay |
2901 | 290239 | 法式油封鸭 | duck confits |
2901 | 290240 | 法式内脏肠 | andouillettes |
2901 | 290241 | 白香肠 | white pudding |
2901 | 290242 | “国外特有小类” | cassoulet |
2901 | 290243 | “国外特有小类” | choucroute garnie |
2901 | 290251 | 软体动物(非活) | molluscs, not live |
2901 | 290251 | 软体动物(非活) | mollusks, not live |
2902 | 290002 | 食用海藻提取物 | seaweed extracts for food |
2902 | 290006 | 鳀鱼(非活) | anchovy, not live |
2902 | 290016 | 鱼子酱 | caviar |
2902 | 290037 | 甲壳动物(非活) | crustaceans, not live |
2902 | 290040 | 小龙虾(非活) | crayfish, not live |
2902 | 290041 | 鱼片 | fish fillets |
2902 | 290047 | 鱼(非活) | fish, not live |
2902 | 290055 | 鲱鱼(非活) | herrings, not live |
2902 | 290057 | 龙虾(非活) | lobsters, not live |
2902 | 290061 | 牡蛎(非活) | oysters, not live |
2902 | 290062 | 食用鱼胶 | isinglass for food |
2902 | 290075 | 多刺龙虾(非活) | spiny lobsters, not live |
2902 | 290082 | 贝壳类动物(非活) | shellfish, not live |
2902 | 290083 | 贻贝(非活) | mussels, not live |
2902 | 290106 | 沙丁鱼(非活) | sardines, not live |
2902 | 290107 | 鲑鱼(非活) | salmon, not live |
2902 | 290109 | 金枪鱼(非活) | tuna, not live |
2902 | 290125 | 鱼制食品 | fish-based foodstuffs |
2902 | 290132 | 蛤(非活) | clams, not live |
2902 | 290135 | 明虾(非活) | prawns, not live |
2902 | 290136 | 腌制鱼 | fish, preserved |
2902 | 290138 | 虾(非活) | shrimps, not live |
2902 | 290145 | 人食用鱼粉 | fish meal for human consumption |
2902 | 290149 | 盐腌鱼 | salted fish |
2902 | 290150 | 海参(非活) | sea-cucumbers, not live |
2902 | 290167 | 鱼慕斯 | fish mousses |
2902 | 290170 | 加工过的鱼子 | fish roe, prepared |
2902 | 290227 | 腌鳕鱼干 | klipfish [salted and dried cod] |
2903 | 290144 | 鱼罐头 | fish, tinned |
2903 | 290144 | 鱼罐头 | fish, canned |
2903 | 290146 | 水果罐头 | fruits, tinned |
2903 | 290146 | 水果罐头 | fruits, canned |
2903 | 290147 | 肉罐头 | meat, tinned |
2903 | 290147 | 肉罐头 | meat, canned |
2903 | 290152 | 蔬菜罐头 | vegetables, tinned |
2903 | 290152 | 蔬菜罐头 | vegetables, canned |
2904 | 290007 | 花生酱 | peanut butter |
2904 | 290017 | 腌制水果 | fruit, preserved |
2904 | 290019 | 油炸土豆片 | potato crisps |
2904 | 290019 | 油炸土豆片 | potato chips |
2904 | 290021 | 脱水椰子 | coconut, desiccated |
2904 | 290024 | 果酱 | jams |
2904 | 290025 | 冷冻水果 | frozen fruits |
2904 | 290027 | 葡萄干 | raisins |
2904 | 290035 | 糖渍水果 | crystallized fruits |
2904 | 290035 | 水果蜜饯 | frosted fruits |
2904 | 290038 | 椰枣 | dates |
2904 | 290043 | 炖熟的水果 | fruit, stewed |
2904 | 290045 | 果肉 | fruit pulp |
2904 | 290079 | 柑橘酱 | marmalade |
2904 | 290090 | 腌橄榄 | olives, preserved |
2904 | 290104 | 水果色拉 | fruit salads |
2904 | 290115 | 果皮 | fruit peel |
2904 | 290117 | 碎杏仁 | almonds, ground |
2904 | 290131 | 水果片 | fruit chips |
2904 | 290133 | 浸酒的水果 | fruit preserved in alcohol |
2904 | 290134 | 食用花粉 | pollen prepared as foodstuff |
2904 | 290148 | 土豆煎饼 | potato fritters |
2904 | 290154 | 土豆片 | potato flakes |
2904 | 290155 | 苹果泥 | apple purée |
2904 | 290156 | 蔓越莓蜜饯 | cranberry compote |
2904 | 290157 | 白芝麻酱 | tahini |
2904 | 290158 | 鹰嘴豆泥 | hummus |
2904 | 290160 | 以水果为主的零食小吃 | fruit-based snack food |
2904 | 290176 | 低脂土豆片 | low-fat potato crisps |
2904 | 290176 | 低脂炸土豆片 | low-fat potato chips |
2904 | 290179 | 糖煮水果 | compotes |
2904 | 290191 | 加工过的水果制成的拼盘 | arrangements of processed fruit |
2904 | 290198 | 腌制浆果 | berries, preserved |
2904 | 290199 | 鳄梨酱 | guacamole |
2904 | 290212 | 坚果制抹酱 | nut-based spreads |
2904 | 290229 | 压制成型的果泥 | pressed fruit paste |
2904 | 290237 | 加工过的水果 | fruit, processed |
2904 | 290256 | 糖姜 | crystallized ginger |
2905 | 290020 | 德式泡菜 | sauerkraut |
2905 | 290026 | 汤 | soups |
2905 | 290028 | 腌小黄瓜 | gherkins |
2905 | 290029 | 腌制蔬菜 | vegetables, preserved |
2905 | 290030 | 熟蔬菜 | vegetables, cooked |
2905 | 290031 | 干蔬菜 | vegetables, dried |
2905 | 290051 | 姜酱 | ginger jam |
2905 | 290052 | 食用腌黄豆 | soya beans, preserved, for food |
2905 | 290066 | 蔬菜汤料 | vegetable soup preparations |
2905 | 290067 | 烹饪用蔬菜汁 | vegetable juices for cooking |
2905 | 290077 | 腌扁豆 | lentils, preserved |
2905 | 290089 | 腌制的洋葱 | onions, preserved |
2905 | 290095 | 泡菜 | pickles |
2905 | 290096 | 腌制豌豆 | peas, preserved |
2905 | 290099 | 制汤剂 | preparations for making soup |
2905 | 290101 | 番茄泥 | tomato purée |
2905 | 290102 | 蔬菜色拉 | vegetable salads |
2905 | 290110 | 烹调用番茄汁 | tomato juice for cooking |
2905 | 290113 | 腌制块菌 | truffles, preserved |
2905 | 290120 | 腌制蘑菇 | mushrooms, preserved |
2905 | 290123 | 腌豆 | beans, preserved |
2905 | 290159 | 腌紫菜 | laver, preserved |
2905 | 290162 | 朝鲜泡菜 | kimchi |
2905 | 290165 | 腌辣椒 | preserved peppers |
2905 | 290169 | 蔬菜慕斯 | vegetable mousses |
2905 | 290172 | 食用预制芦荟 | aloe vera prepared for human consumption |
2905 | 290173 | 腌制蒜 | preserved garlic |
2905 | 290184 | 番茄酱 | tomato paste |
2905 | 290185 | 西葫芦泥 | vegetable marrow paste |
2905 | 290186 | 茄子泥 | aubergine paste |
2905 | 290186 | 茄子泥 | eggplant paste |
2905 | 290187 | 烹饪用花生浆 | peanut milk for culinary purposes |
2905 | 290188 | 烹饪用杏仁浆 | almond milk for culinary purposes |
2905 | 290190 | 腌制洋蓟 | artichokes, preserved |
2905 | 290200 | 炸洋葱圈 | onion rings |
2905 | 290201 | 中东炸豆丸子 | falafel |
2905 | 290202 | 烹饪用柠檬汁 | lemon juice for culinary purposes |
2905 | 290206 | 冻干蔬菜 | freeze-dried vegetables |
2905 | 290206 | 冻干蔬菜 | lyophilised vegetables |
2905 | 290206 | 冻干蔬菜 | lyophilized vegetables |
2905 | 290211 | 加工过的甜玉米粒 | sweet corn, processed |
2905 | 290213 | 土豆丸子 | potato-based dumplings |
2905 | 290221 | 烹饪用椰浆 | coconut milk for culinary purposes |
2905 | 290223 | 烹饪用米浆 | rice milk for culinary purposes |
2905 | 290231 | 黄豆泥饼 | soya patties |
2905 | 290236 | 加工过的蔬菜 | vegetables, processed |
2905 | 290238 | 法式杂菜烩 | ratatouille |
2905 | 290244 | 薯饼 | hash browns |
2905 | 290245 | “国外特有小类” | omelettes |
2905 | 290245 | “国外特有小类” | omelets |
2905 | 290246 | “国外特有小类” | cabbage rolls stuffed with meat |
2905 | 290247 | 烹饪用浓缩蔬菜汁 | vegetable-based concentrate for cooking |
2905 | 290248 | 烹饪用浓缩水果汁 | fruit-based concentrate for cooking |
2905 | 290249 | 蔬菜制抹酱 | vegetable-based spreads |
2905 | 290255 | 食用干花 | edible flowers, dried |
2905 | 290257 | 腌制姜 | ginger, preserved |
2905 | 290258 | 酸姜 | pickled ginger |
2906 | 290012 | 蛋清 | white of eggs |
2906 | 290064 | 蛋黄 | yolk of eggs |
2906 | 290086 | 蛋 | eggs* |
2906 | 290087 | 蛋粉 | powdered eggs |
2907 | 290008 | 黄油 | butter |
2907 | 290011 | 黄油乳脂 | buttercream |
2907 | 290033 | 奶油(奶制品) | cream [dairy products] |
2907 | 290034 | 奶酪 | cheese |
2907 | 290039 | 奶 | milk |
2907 | 290042 | 小牛皱胃中的凝乳(制干酪用) | rennet |
2907 | 290065 | 酸奶 | yogurt |
2907 | 290065 | 酸奶 | yoghurt |
2907 | 290070 | 克非尔奶酒(奶饮料) | kephir |
2907 | 290070 | 克非尔奶酒(奶饮料) | kefir |
2907 | 290071 | 马奶酒(奶饮料) | koumiss |
2907 | 290071 | 乳酒(奶饮料) | kumys |
2907 | 290072 | 奶饮料(以奶为主) | milk beverages, milk predominating |
2907 | 290073 | 乳清 | whey |
2907 | 290074 | 奶制品 | milk products |
2907 | 290078 | 人造黄油 | margarine |
2907 | 290141 | 搅打过的奶油 | whipped cream |
2907 | 290161 | 凝乳 | curd |
2907 | 290163 | 豆奶 | soya milk |
2907 | 290164 | 奶昔 | milk shakes |
2907 | 290168 | 无酒精蛋奶酒 | non-alcoholic eggnog |
2907 | 290174 | 蛋白奶 | albumin milk |
2907 | 290174 | 蛋白奶 | protein milk |
2907 | 290178 | 烹饪用奶发酵剂 | milk ferments for culinary purposes |
2907 | 290180 | 炼乳 | condensed milk |
2907 | 290181 | 斯美塔那酸奶油 | smetana |
2907 | 290182 | 熟酸乳 | fermented baked milk |
2907 | 290183 | 酸牛奶 | soured milk |
2907 | 290189 | 米浆 | rice milk |
2907 | 290192 | 奶粉 | powdered milk* |
2907 | 290204 | 燕麦浆 | oat milk |
2907 | 290205 | 植物奶油 | vegetable-based cream |
2907 | 290217 | 奶替代品 | milk substitutes |
2907 | 290218 | 杏仁浆 | almond milk |
2907 | 290219 | 花生浆 | peanut milk |
2907 | 290220 | 椰浆 | coconut milk |
2907 | 290222 | 以椰浆为主的饮料 | coconut milk-based beverages |
2907 | 290224 | 以杏仁浆为主的饮料 | almond milk-based beverages |
2907 | 290225 | 以花生浆为主的饮料 | peanut milk-based beverages |
2907 | 290228 | 炸白干酪饼 | cottage cheese fritters |
2907 | 290252 | 夸克奶酪 | quark |
2907 | 290253 | 乡村奶酪 | cottage cheese |
2907 | 290254 | 乳酸饮料 | lactic acid drinks |
2908 | 290005 | 食用油脂 | edible fats |
2908 | 290009 | 食用可可脂 | cocoa butter for food |
2908 | 290010 | 椰子油脂 | coconut butter |
2908 | 290022 | 食用菜籽油 | rape oil for food |
2908 | 290022 | 食用菜油 | colza oil for food |
2908 | 290032 | 食用油 | oils for food |
2908 | 290053 | 制食用脂肪用脂肪物 | fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats |
2908 | 290054 | 涂面包片用脂肪混合物 | fat-containing mixtures for bread slices |
2908 | 290058 | 食用玉米油 | maize oil for food |
2908 | 290058 | 食用玉米油 | corn oil for food |
2908 | 290059 | 食用棕榈果仁油 | palm kernel oil for food |
2908 | 290060 | 食用芝麻油 | sesame oil for food |
2908 | 290084 | 食用棕榈油 | palm oil for food |
2908 | 290091 | 食用橄榄油 | olive oil for food |
2908 | 290092 | 食用骨油 | bone oil for food |
2908 | 290103 | 猪油 | lard |
2908 | 290108 | 食用板油 | suet for food |
2908 | 290111 | 食用葵花籽油 | sunflower oil for food |
2908 | 290121 | 椰子脂 | coconut fat |
2908 | 290122 | 食用椰子油 | coconut oil for food |
2908 | 290175 | 食用亚麻籽油 | linseed oil for food |
2908 | 290175 | 食用亚麻籽油 | flaxseed oil for food |
2908 | 290177 | 烹饪用卵磷脂 | lecithin for culinary purposes |
2908 | 290207 | 食用特级初榨橄榄油 | extra virgin olive oil for food |
2908 | 290216 | 食用豆油 | soya bean oil for food |
2910 | 290003 | 明胶 | gelatine* |
2910 | 290044 | 果冻 | fruit jellies |
2910 | 290048 | 食用果冻 | jellies for food |
2910 | 290093 | 烹饪用果胶 | pectin for culinary purposes |
2910 | 290116 | 烹饪用藻酸盐 | alginates for culinary purposes |
2910 | 290250 | 烹饪用琼脂 | agar-agar for culinary purposes |
2911 | 290085 | 加工过的坚果 | nuts, prepared |
2911 | 290118 | 加工过的花生 | peanuts, prepared |
2911 | 290166 | 加工过的葵花籽 | sunflower seeds, prepared |
2911 | 290171 | 加工过的种子 | seeds, prepared* |
2911 | 290195 | 糖渍坚果 | candied nuts |
2911 | 290196 | 已调味的坚果 | flavoured nuts |
2911 | 290196 | 已调味的坚果 | flavored nuts |
2911 | 290197 | 加工过的榛子 | hazelnuts, prepared |
2913 | 290001 | 烹饪用蛋白 | albumen for culinary purposes |
2913 | 290140 | 豆腐 | tofu |
2913 | 290230 | 腐皮 | tofu skin |
2913 | 290232 | 豆腐饼 | tofu patties |
2913 | 290233 | “国外特有小类” | tajine [prepared meat, fish or vegetable dish] |
2913 | 290233 | “国外特有小类” | tagine [prepared meat, fish or vegetable dish] |
2913 | 290234 | 丹贝(发酵豆饼) | tempeh |
2914 | 290226 | 天然或人造的香肠肠衣 | sausage casings, natural or artificial |