第二十七类主要包括铺在已建成的地板和墙壁上的制品。 本类尤其不包括:
类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
2701 | 270011 | 小地毯 | carpets |
2701 | 270011 | 地毯 | rugs* |
2702 | 270006 | 垫席 | mats* |
2702 | 270009 | 苇席 | reed mats |
2703 | 270001 | 浴室防滑垫 | bath mats |
2703 | 270002 | 地板覆盖物 | floor coverings |
2703 | 270003 | 人工草皮 | artificial turf |
2703 | 270004 | 体操垫 | gymnastic mats |
2703 | 270004 | 健身用垫 | gymnasium mats |
2703 | 270008 | 门前擦鞋垫 | door mats |
2703 | 270010 | 汽车用脚垫 | carpets for automobiles |
2703 | 270010 | 汽车用脚垫 | automobile carpets |
2703 | 270012 | 防滑垫 | non-slip mats |
2703 | 270014 | 亚麻油地毡 | linoleum |
2703 | 270015 | 地毯底衬 | carpet underlay |
2703 | 270016 | 乙烯地板覆盖物 | vinyl floor coverings |
2703 | 270017 | 滑雪斜坡用编织绳垫 | mats of woven rope for ski slopes |
2703 | 270019 | 壁炉或烧烤架用耐火地垫 | floor mats, fire-resistant, for fireplaces and barbecues |
2703 | 270020 | 瑜伽垫 | yoga mats |
2703 | 270021 | 榻榻米垫 | tatami mats |
2704 | 270007 | 墙纸 | wallpaper |
2704 | 270013 | 非纺织品制壁挂 | wall hangings, not of textile |
2704 | 270018 | 纺织品制墙纸 | textile wallpaper |
2704 | 270022 | 纺织品制墙壁遮盖物 | textile wallcoverings |