








类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
1501 150001 手风琴 accordions
1501 150008 钢琴 pianos
1501 150011 小六角手风琴 bandonions
1501 150012 手摇风琴 barrel organs
1501 150013 低音提琴(乐器) basses [musical instruments]
1501 150014 口琴 harmonicas
1501 150016 大号(号) buccins [trumpets]
1501 150017 钟琴(乐器) carillons [musical instruments]
1501 150018 响板 castanets
1501 150019 小铃帽(乐器) hats with bells [musical instruments]
1501 150022 齐特拉琴 zithers
1501 150023 单簧管 clarionets
1501 150025 乐器 musical instruments
1501 150026 六角手风琴 concertinas
1501 150027 低音提琴 double basses
1501 150029 弦乐器 stringed musical instruments
1501 150030 号(乐器) horns [musical instruments]
1501 150031 短号(乐器) cornets [musical instruments]
1501 150032 铙钹 cymbals
1501 150036 flutes
1501 150037 gongs
1501 150038 单簧口琴(乐器) Jews' harps [musical instruments]
1501 150039 吉他 guitars
1501 150040 簧风琴 harmoniums
1501 150041 竖琴 harps
1501 150043 双簧管 oboes
1501 150044 电子乐器 electronic musical instruments
1501 150046 七弦琴 lyres
1501 150049 曼陀林 mandolins
1501 150051 风笛 bagpipes
1501 150055 三角铁(乐器) triangles [musical instruments]
1501 150056 奥卡利那笛 ocarinas
1501 150057 风琴 organs
1501 150058 管风琴 wind pipes for organs
1501 150066 鼓(乐器) drums [musical instruments]
1501 150067 铃鼓 tambourines
1501 150068 印度手鼓 tom-toms
1501 150069 定音鼓 kettledrums
1501 150070 长号 trombones
1501 150071 号角 clarions
1501 150072 喇叭 trumpets
1501 150074 中提琴 violas
1501 150075 小提琴 violins
1501 150076 木琴 xylophones
1501 150081 胡琴 huqin [Chinese violins]
1501 150082 竹笛 bamboo flutes
1501 150083 琵琶 pipa [Chinese guitars]
1501 150084 sheng [Chinese musical wind instruments]
1501 150085 唢呐 suona [Chinese trumpets]
1501 150086 手摇铃(乐器) handbells [musical instruments]
1501 150087 音乐合成器 music synthesizers
1501 150089 萨克斯管 saxophones
1501 150090 巴拉莱卡琴(弦乐器) balalaikas [stringed musical instruments]
1501 150091 班卓琴 banjos
1501 150092 口风琴 melodicas
1501 150094 机器人鼓 robotic drums
1502 150002 校音扳头 tuning hammers
1502 150003 乐器用簧片 reeds
1502 150004 乐器琴弓 bows for musical instruments
1502 150005 乐器琴弓螺帽 bow nuts for musical instruments
1502 150006 弦乐器用弓柄 sticks for bows for musical instruments
1502 150007 弓用马毛(乐器用) horsehair for bows for musical instruments
1502 150009 指挥棒 conductors' batons
1502 150010 鼓槌 drumsticks
1502 150015 乐器用肠线 catgut for musical instruments
1502 150020 定音鼓架 kettledrum frames
1502 150021 乐器弦轴 pegs for musical instruments
1502 150024 乐器键盘 keyboards for musical instruments
1502 150028 乐器弦 strings for musical instruments
1502 150033 音叉 tuning forks
1502 150034 吹奏乐器的管口 mouthpieces for musical instruments
1502 150035 乐器盒 cases for musical instruments
1502 150042 竖琴弦 harp strings
1502 150045 机械钢琴用音量调节器 intensity regulators for mechanical pianos
1502 150048 拨弦片 plectrums
1502 150048 拨弦片 picks for stringed instruments
1502 150050 小提琴腮托 chin rests for violins
1502 150052 音乐盒 musical boxes
1502 150053 活页乐谱翻页器 turning apparatus for sheet music
1502 150054 琴码 bridges for musical instruments
1502 150059 鼓皮 drumheads
1502 150059 鼓面 skins for drums
1502 150060 乐器用踏板 pedals for musical instruments
1502 150061 钢琴键盘 piano keyboards
1502 150062 钢琴弦 piano strings
1502 150063 钢琴键 piano keys
1502 150064 乐器风管 bellows for musical instruments
1502 150065 乐器用弱音器 mutes for musical instruments
1502 150065 乐器用弱音器 dampers for musical instruments
1502 150073 乐器栓塞 valves for musical instruments
1502 150077 乐器音键 keys for musical instruments
1502 150078 乐谱纸卷(钢琴) music rolls [piano]
1502 150079 穿孔乐谱纸卷 perforated music rolls
1502 150080 乐谱架 music stands
1502 150088 乐器架 stands for musical instruments
1502 150093 弦乐器用松香 colophony for stringed musical instruments
1502 150093 弦乐器用松香 rosin for stringed musical instruments
1502 150095 乐器用木槌 mallets for musical instruments
1502 150096 乐器背带 straps for musical instruments


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