类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
0601 | 060001 | 未锻造或半锻造的钢 | steel, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060002 | 钢合金 | steel alloys |
0601 | 060003 | 钢条 | steel strip |
0601 | 060005 | 铸钢 | cast steel |
0601 | 060006 | 钢桅杆 | steel masts |
0601 | 060010 | 钢板 | steel sheets |
0601 | 060016 | 镍银 | nickel silver |
0601 | 060016 | 镍银 | German silver |
0601 | 060017 | 铝 | aluminium |
0601 | 060018 | 青铜 | bronze |
0601 | 060020 | 垫板 | anchor plates |
0601 | 060020 | 锚定板 | tie plates |
0601 | 060023 | 金属桅杆 | masts of metal |
0601 | 060024 | 金属杆 | poles of metal |
0601 | 060027 | 耐磨金属 | anti-friction metal |
0601 | 060032 | 镀银的锡合金 | silver-plated tin alloys |
0601 | 060043 | 铍 | beryllium [glucinium] |
0601 | 060043 | 铍 | glucinium [beryllium] |
0601 | 060046 | 白合金 | white metal |
0601 | 060047 | 金属装甲板 | armour-plating of metal |
0601 | 060047 | 金属装甲板 | armor-plating of metal |
0601 | 060052 | 铁板 | iron slabs |
0601 | 060061 | 镉 | cadmium |
0601 | 060067 | 铪 | celtium [hafnium] |
0601 | 060067 | 铪 | hafnium [celtium] |
0601 | 060079 | 铬 | chromium |
0601 | 060080 | 铬铁 | chrome iron |
0601 | 060088 | 钴(未加工的) | cobalt, raw |
0601 | 060109 | 未加工或半加工铜 | copper, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060115 | 生铁或半锻造铁 | iron, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060131 | 铁条 | iron strip |
0601 | 060133 | 未加工或半加工铸铁 | cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060136 | 钼铁 | molybdenum iron |
0601 | 060137 | 硅铁 | silicon iron |
0601 | 060138 | 钛铁 | titanium iron |
0601 | 060138 | 钛铁 | ferrotitanium |
0601 | 060139 | 钨铁 | tungsten iron |
0601 | 060146 | 铅封 | lead seals |
0601 | 060147 | 锗 | germanium |
0601 | 060154 | 铟 | indium |
0601 | 060157 | 未加工或半加工黄铜 | brass, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060160 | 金属板条 | laths of metal |
0601 | 060161 | 金属锉屑 | filings of metal |
0601 | 060164 | 普通金属锭 | ingots of common metal |
0601 | 060168 | 大钢坯(冶金) | blooms [metallurgy] |
0601 | 060169 | 镁 | magnesium |
0601 | 060174 | 锰 | manganese |
0601 | 060182 | 未加工或半加工普通金属 | common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060185 | 可自燃金属 | pyrophoric metals |
0601 | 060188 | 金属桩 | sheet piles of metal |
0601 | 060188 | 金属板桩 | pilings of metal |
0601 | 060189 | 钼 | molybdenum |
0601 | 060193 | 镍 | nickel |
0601 | 060194 | 铌 | niobium |
0601 | 060205 | 金属柱 | posts of metal |
0601 | 060214 | 未加工或半加工铅 | lead, unwrought or semi-wrought |
0601 | 060223 | 锌 | zinc |
0601 | 060246 | 钽(金属) | tantalum [metal] |
0601 | 060251 | 钛 | titanium |
0601 | 060253 | 顿巴黄铜 | tombac |
0601 | 060257 | 钨 | tungsten |
0601 | 060259 | 钒 | vanadium |
0601 | 060264 | 锆 | zirconium |
0601 | 060269 | 普通金属合金 | alloys of common metal |
0601 | 060270 | 铝箔 | aluminium foil* |
0601 | 060345 | 金属角铁 | angle irons of metal |
0601 | 060372 | 金属支架 | props of metal |
0601 | 060373 | 锡 | tin |
0601 | 060374 | 马口铁 | tinplate |
0601 | 060375 | 锡箔 | tinfoil |
0601 | 060376 | 金属片和金属板 | sheets and plates of metal |
0601 | 060401 | 金属陶瓷 | cermets |
0601 | 060416 | 包装和打包用金属箔 | foils of metal for wrapping and packaging |
0601 | 060434 | 粉末状金属 | metals in powder form* |
0601 | 060453 | 3D打印机用金属箔或金属粉 | metals in foil or powder form for 3D printers |
0601 | 060459 | 热轧钢棒 | hot-rolled steel bars |
0601 | 060460 | 磨光钢棒 | bright steel bars |
0601 | 060461 | 已剥皮的金属棒 | peeled metal bars |
0601 | 060462 | 已拉拔抛光的金属棒 | drawn and polished metal bars |
0602 | 060011 | 钢管 | steel pipes |
0602 | 060011 | 钢管 | steel tubes |
0602 | 060014 | 金属喷头 | nozzles of metal |
0602 | 060021 | 金属喷嘴 | jets of metal |
0602 | 060058 | 绳索用金属套管 | rope thimbles of metal |
0602 | 060076 | 中央供热装置用金属管道 | ducts of metal, for central heating installations |
0602 | 060076 | 中央供暖装置用金属管道 | ducts and pipes of metal for central heating installations |
0602 | 060076 | 中央供暖装置用金属管道 | pipes of metal, for central heating installations |
0602 | 060091 | 金属水管 | water-pipes of metal |
0602 | 060092 | 金属套筒(金属制品) | sleeves [metal hardware] |
0602 | 060099 | 管道用金属弯头 | elbows of metal for pipes |
0602 | 060111 | 金属套管柱 | tubbing of metal |
0602 | 060114 | 金属排水管 | drain pipes of metal |
0602 | 060127 | 金属管 | pipes of metal |
0602 | 060127 | 金属管 | tubes of metal |
0602 | 060151 | 滑油嘴 | grease nipples |
0602 | 060173 | 金属制管套筒 | pipe muffs of metal |
0602 | 060229 | 管道用金属接头 | junctions of metal for pipes |
0602 | 060243 | 金属阀门(非机器部件) | valves of metal, other than parts of machines |
0602 | 060258 | 金属管道 | pipework of metal |
0602 | 060267 | 压缩空气管道用金属配件 | fittings of metal for compressed air lines |
0602 | 060275 | 管道用金属加固材料 | reinforcing materials of metal for pipes |
0602 | 060312 | 紧固管道用金属环 | collars of metal for fastening pipes |
0602 | 060313 | 缆绳和管道用金属夹 | clips of metal for cables and pipes |
0602 | 060335 | 金属排水阱(阀) | drain traps [valves] of metal |
0602 | 060337 | 油井用金属套管 | casings of metal for oilwells |
0602 | 060356 | 金属雨水管 | gutter pipes of metal |
0602 | 060359 | 金属水管阀 | water-pipe valves of metal |
0602 | 060366 | 金属分岔管 | branching pipes of metal |
0602 | 060415 | 通风和空调设备用金属管 | ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations |
0602 | 060420 | 管道用金属歧管 | manifolds of metal for pipelines |
0602 | 060421 | 金属压力水管 | penstock pipes of metal |
0603 | 060009 | 钢制卷帘 | roller blinds of steel |
0603 | 060033 | 混凝土用金属加固材料 | reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete |
0603 | 060040 | 金属地板砖 | floor tiles of metal |
0603 | 060042 | 金属栅栏用杆 | bars for metal railings |
0603 | 060074 | 建筑用金属架 | frames of metal for building |
0603 | 060090 | 建筑用金属柱 | pillars of metal for building |
0603 | 060098 | 金属制屋顶防雨板 | roof flashing of metal |
0603 | 060100 | 金属门 | doors of metal* |
0603 | 060106 | 窗用铁制品 | ironwork for windows |
0603 | 060123 | 建筑用金属托架 | brackets of metal for building |
0603 | 060124 | 金属楼梯 | staircases of metal |
0603 | 060140 | 建筑用金属附件 | fittings of metal for building |
0603 | 060152 | 金属格栅 | gratings of metal |
0603 | 060152 | 金属格栅 | grilles of metal |
0603 | 060156 | 金属固定百叶窗 | jalousies of metal |
0603 | 060158 | 金属制室外遮帘 | outdoor blinds of metal |
0603 | 060159 | 金属火箭发射台 | rocket launching platforms of metal |
0603 | 060162 | 金属楼梯基(楼梯部件) | stringers [parts of staircases] of metal |
0603 | 060165 | 金属楣 | lintels of metal |
0603 | 060170 | 可移动金属建筑物 | buildings, transportable, of metal |
0603 | 060177 | 金属台阶(梯子) | steps [ladders] of metal |
0603 | 060179 | 门廊(金属结构) | porches [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060192 | 建筑用金属制墙包层 | wall claddings of metal for building |
0603 | 060195 | 建筑用金属盖板 | flashing of metal for building |
0603 | 060197 | 金属百叶窗 | shutters of metal |
0603 | 060198 | 金属围篱 | palings of metal |
0603 | 060201 | 建筑用金属制墙衬料 | wall linings of metal for building |
0603 | 060203 | 溜冰场(金属结构) | skating rinks [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060209 | 金属天花板 | ceilings of metal |
0603 | 060210 | 金属地板 | floors of metal |
0603 | 060211 | 建筑用金属衬板 | linings of metal for building |
0603 | 060213 | 金属屋瓦 | roofing tiles of metal |
0603 | 060215 | 金属跳水板 | diving boards of metal |
0603 | 060218 | 金属大门 | gates of metal |
0603 | 060219 | 金属门板 | door panels of metal |
0603 | 060222 | 金属电线杆 | telegraph posts of metal |
0603 | 060224 | 金属梁 | beams of metal |
0603 | 060224 | 金属梁 | girders of metal |
0603 | 060225 | 金属搁栅 | joists of metal |
0603 | 060226 | 预制金属台 | platforms, prefabricated, of metal |
0603 | 060232 | 金属蓄水池 | tanks of metal |
0603 | 060233 | 金属槛 | sills of metal |
0603 | 060236 | 可移动金属温室 | greenhouses of metal, transportable |
0603 | 060239 | 金属筒仓 | silos of metal |
0603 | 060252 | 金属屋顶 | roofing of metal |
0603 | 060255 | 金属旋转栅门 | turnstiles of metal |
0603 | 060256 | 金属格架 | latticework of metal |
0603 | 060256 | 金属格架 | trellis of metal |
0603 | 060260 | 金属竖铰链窗 | casement windows of metal |
0603 | 060263 | 鸟舍(金属结构) | aviaries [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060266 | 钢结构建筑 | steel buildings |
0603 | 060274 | 金属护壁板 | wainscotting of metal |
0603 | 060276 | 建筑用金属加固材料 | reinforcing materials of metal for building |
0603 | 060282 | 不发光金属信号台 | beacons of metal, non-luminous |
0603 | 060290 | 游泳池(金属结构) | swimming pools [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060291 | 金属建筑材料 | building materials of metal |
0603 | 060292 | 混凝土用金属模板 | shuttering of metal for concrete |
0603 | 060293 | 金属制自行车停放架 | bicycle parking installations of metal |
0603 | 060294 | 金属铺路块料 | paving blocks of metal |
0603 | 060308 | 金属制简易小屋 | cabanas of metal |
0603 | 060310 | 喷漆用金属间 | paint spraying booths of metal |
0603 | 060310 | 喷漆用金属间 | booths of metal for spraying paint |
0603 | 060315 | 金属窗框 | window frames of metal |
0603 | 060316 | 金属制温室骨架 | greenhouse frames of metal |
0603 | 060317 | 金属垫路板 | duckboards of metal |
0603 | 060318 | 金属烟囱罩 | chimney cowls of metal |
0603 | 060321 | 建筑用金属砖瓦 | tiles of metal for building |
0603 | 060322 | 金属砖地板 | tile floorings of metal |
0603 | 060328 | 建筑用金属框架 | framework of metal for building |
0603 | 060329 | 金属门框架 | door frames of metal |
0603 | 060329 | 金属门框 | door casings of metal |
0603 | 060331 | 金属烟囱管帽 | chimney pots of metal |
0603 | 060332 | 金属檐槽 | roof gutters of metal |
0603 | 060336 | 金属隔板 | partitions of metal |
0603 | 060339 | 金属建筑物 | buildings of metal |
0603 | 060343 | 金属檐口 | cornices of metal |
0603 | 060344 | 檐板金属嵌条 | mouldings of metal for cornices |
0603 | 060344 | 檐板金属嵌条 | moldings of metal for cornices |
0603 | 060346 | 金属窗 | windows of metal |
0603 | 060347 | 门用铁制品 | ironwork for doors |
0603 | 060349 | 金属检修孔盖 | manhole covers of metal |
0603 | 060350 | 金属制屋顶覆盖物 | roof coverings of metal |
0603 | 060355 | 金属楼梯踏板 | stair treads [steps] of metal |
0603 | 060360 | 金属脚手架 | scaffolding of metal |
0603 | 060361 | 金属梯 | ladders of metal |
0603 | 060362 | 乘客登乘用可移动金属梯 | mobile boarding stairs of metal for passengers |
0603 | 060365 | 电线用金属杆 | posts of metal for power lines |
0603 | 060365 | 电线用金属杆 | poles of metal for power lines |
0603 | 060368 | 金属栅栏 | fences of metal |
0603 | 060381 | 建筑用金属嵌板 | building panels of metal |
0603 | 060390 | 炉用金属护栏 | furnace fireguards of metal |
0603 | 060397 | 公路防撞用金属护栏 | crash barriers of metal for roads |
0603 | 060411 | 金属广告栏 | advertisement columns of metal |
0603 | 060413 | 金属烟囱 | chimneys of metal |
0603 | 060414 | 金属烟囱柱 | chimney shafts of metal |
0603 | 060422 | 金属电话亭 | telephone booths of metal |
0603 | 060422 | 金属电话间 | telephone boxes of metal |
0603 | 060425 | 金属鸡房 | chicken-houses of metal |
0603 | 060428 | 金属制防昆虫纱窗 | insect screens of metal |
0603 | 060431 | (壁炉的)柴架 | firedogs [andirons] |
0603 | 060435 | 金属耐火建筑材料 | refractory construction materials of metal |
0603 | 060436 | 凉亭(金属结构) | arbours [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060437 | 金属牲畜棚 | stables of metal |
0603 | 060438 | 金属猪圈 | pigsties of metal |
0603 | 060439 | 金属预制房(成套组件) | prefabricated houses [kits] of metal |
0603 | 060441 | 金属制街道排水沟 | street gutters of metal |
0603 | 060445 | 金属墙砖 | wall tiles of metal |
0603 | 060446 | 金属铺地平板 | paving slabs of metal |
0603 | 060447 | 建筑用金属平板 | slabs of metal for building |
0603 | 060448 | 金属梯凳 | step stools of metal |
0603 | 060449 | 光伏电池组成的金属屋顶板 | roofing of metal, incorporating photovoltaic cells |
0603 | 060450 | 金属装甲门 | armoured doors of metal |
0603 | 060450 | 金属装甲门 | armored doors of metal |
0603 | 060456 | 金属波形瓦 | pantiles of metal |
0603 | 060457 | 金属栏杆 | balustrades of metal |
0603 | 060458 | 建筑用金属包层 | cladding of metal for building |
0603 | 060468 | 金属旗杆(建筑物) | flagpoles [structures] of metal |
0603 | 060473 | 金属折门 | folding doors of metal |
0603 | 060474 | 建筑用金属嵌条 | mouldings of metal for building |
0603 | 060474 | 建筑用金属嵌条 | moldings of metal for building |
0603 | 060475 | 金属制壁炉罩 | fireplace mantles of metal |
0603 | 060476 | 车辆用金属坡道 | metal ramps for use with vehicles |
0603 | 060478 | 金属双开弹簧门 | swing doors of metal |
0603 | 060482 | 金属折扇门 | accordion doors of metal |
0603 | 060483 | 壁炉用金属炉栅 | fireplace grates of metal |
0603 | 060484 | 金属制移动式隔音亭 | soundproof booths of metal, transportable |
0603 | 060485 | 金属制吸音板 | acoustic panels of metal |
0603 | 060486 | 金属制园艺罩骨架 | horticultural frames of metal |
0603 | 060486 | 金属制园艺罩骨架 | cold frames of metal |
0604 | 060013 | 铁路道岔 | railway points |
0604 | 060013 | 铁路转辙器 | railway switches |
0604 | 060089 | 铁路金属材料 | railway material of metal |
0604 | 060095 | 铁路金属护轨 | check rails of metal for railways |
0604 | 060095 | 铁路金属护轨 | guard rails of metal for railways |
0604 | 060116 | 鱼尾形接轨夹(铁路) | fish plates [rails] |
0604 | 060129 | 金属轨道 | rails of metal |
0604 | 060212 | 转车盘(铁道) | turntables [railways] |
0604 | 060245 | 铁路用金属枕木 | railway sleepers of metal |
0604 | 060245 | 铁路用金属枕木 | railroad ties of metal |
0604 | 060326 | 铁路货车用金属载量规杆 | loading gauge rods of metal for railway wagons |
0604 | 060330 | 缆索铁道永久导轨用金属材料 | materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways |
0605 | 060003 | 钢箍 | hoop steel |
0605 | 060004 | 钢丝 | steel wire |
0605 | 060019 | 铝丝 | aluminium wire |
0605 | 060026 | 装卸用金属吊带 | braces of metal for handling loads |
0605 | 060026 | 装卸用金属吊带 | harness of metal for handling loads |
0605 | 060041 | 带刺金属丝 | barbed wire |
0605 | 060057 | 高架缆车的缆绳 | telpher cables |
0605 | 060108 | 普通金属线 | wire of common metal |
0605 | 060131 | 铁箍 | hoop iron |
0605 | 060132 | 铁丝 | iron wire |
0605 | 060184 | 金属丝网 | wire cloth |
0605 | 060184 | 金属丝网 | wire gauze |
0605 | 060268 | 普通金属合金丝(除保险丝外) | wire of common metal alloys, except fuse wire |
0605 | 060285 | 捆扎用金属带 | bands of metal for tying-up purposes |
0605 | 060285 | 包装或捆扎用金属带 | wrapping or binding bands of metal |
0605 | 060286 | 捆扎用金属线 | thread of metal for tying-up purposes |
0605 | 060305 | 装卸用金属带 | straps of metal for handling loads |
0605 | 060305 | 装卸用金属带 | belts of metal for handling loads |
0605 | 060306 | 装卸用金属吊索 | slings of metal for handling loads |
0605 | 060311 | 金属制非电气缆绳 | cables of metal, non-electric |
0605 | 060319 | 农业用金属捆扎线 | binding thread of metal for agricultural purposes |
0605 | 060341 | 金属绳索 | ropes of metal |
0605 | 060353 | 非绝缘铜线 | copper wire, not insulated |
0605 | 060363 | 金属捆扎物 | bindings of metal |
0605 | 060396 | 金属捆扎线 | sheaf binders of metal |
0605 | 060427 | 金属绳 | wire rope |
0606 | 060059 | 非电气缆绳用金属接头 | cable joints of metal, non-electric |
0606 | 060059 | 非电气缆绳用金属接头 | cable linkages of metal, non-electric |
0606 | 060313 | 缆绳和管道用金属夹 | |
0606 | 060314 | 缆绳用金属接线螺钉 | binding screws of metal for cables |
0607 | 060037 | 金属垫圈 | washers of metal |
0607 | 060038 | 金属环 | rings of metal* |
0607 | 060038 | 金属止动环 | stop collars of metal* |
0607 | 060048 | 盒用金属紧固扣件 | box fasteners of metal |
0607 | 060049 | 金属螺栓 | bolts of metal |
0607 | 060063 | 垫片(填隙片) | shims |
0607 | 060078 | 金属栓 | pegs of metal |
0607 | 060082 | 金属开尾销 | cotter pins of metal |
0607 | 060085 | 钉子 | nails |
0607 | 060086 | 角钉 | tacks [nails] |
0607 | 060086 | 平头钉 | brads |
0607 | 060087 | 金属膨胀螺栓 | wall plugs of metal |
0607 | 060102 | 金属扣钉(钩) | cramps of metal [crampons] |
0607 | 060102 | 金属钩(扣钉) | crampons of metal [cramps] |
0607 | 060118 | 金属螺丝 | screws of metal |
0607 | 060141 | 销(五金件) | pins [hardware] |
0607 | 060143 | 有眼螺栓 | eye bolts |
0607 | 060143 | 吊环螺钉 | screw rings |
0607 | 060149 | 攀登用鞋底钉 | crampons [climbing irons] |
0607 | 060208 | 金属制帐篷地钉 | tent pegs of metal |
0607 | 060217 | 金属铆钉 | rivets of metal |
0607 | 060227 | 小五金器具 | ironmongery* |
0607 | 060227 | 五金器具 | hardware* of metal, small |
0607 | 060298 | 普通金属扣(五金器具) | buckles of common metal [hardware] |
0607 | 060364 | 金属螺母 | nuts of metal |
0607 | 060470 | 鞋用金属钉 | shoe pegs of metal |
0607 | 060471 | 鞋用金属销钉 | shoe dowels of metal |
0607 | 060481 | 金属塞 | stoppers of metal |
0608 | 060022 | 金属门闩 | latch bars of metal |
0608 | 060035 | 金属制窗挡 | window stops of metal |
0608 | 060036 | 金属制门挡 | door stops of metal |
0608 | 060068 | 金属铰链 | chains of metal* |
0608 | 060071 | 金属安全链 | safety chains of metal |
0608 | 060073 | 金属铰链连接器 | couplings of metal for chains |
0608 | 060075 | 窗用金属滑轮 | window pulleys of metal |
0608 | 060075 | 提拉窗用金属滑轮 | sash pulleys of metal |
0608 | 060104 | 窗扉栓 | window casement bolts |
0608 | 060110 | 铜环 | copper rings |
0608 | 060125 | 金属窗栓 | window fasteners of metal |
0608 | 060130 | 窗用金属附件 | fittings of metal for windows |
0608 | 060135 | 金属关门器(非电动) | door closers of metal, non-electric |
0608 | 060135 | 金属制门弹簧(非电动) | door springs of metal, non-electric |
0608 | 060166 | 床用金属脚轮 | bed casters of metal |
0608 | 060167 | 金属闩 | latches of metal |
0608 | 060180 | 金属门环 | door knockers of metal |
0608 | 060187 | 家具用金属脚轮 | furniture casters of metal |
0608 | 060202 | 金属衣服挂钩 | clothes hooks of metal |
0608 | 060216 | 金属门把手 | door handles of metal |
0608 | 060220 | 金属门插销 | door bolts of metal |
0608 | 060227 | 五金器具 | |
0608 | 060227 | 小五金器具 | |
0608 | 060238 | 金属挡块 | stops of metal |
0608 | 060247 | 扁插销 | bolts, flat |
0608 | 060301 | 球形金属把手 | knobs of metal |
0608 | 060320 | 金属开门器(非电动) | door openers of metal, non-electric |
0608 | 060327 | 金属合页 | hinges of metal |
0608 | 060348 | 滑动门用金属滑轨 | runners of metal for sliding doors |
0608 | 060352 | 挂衣杆用金属钩 | hooks of metal for clothes rails |
0608 | 060358 | 金属制固定式毛巾分配器 | towel dispensers, fixed, of metal |
0608 | 060380 | 家具用金属附件 | fittings of metal for furniture |
0608 | 060393 | 床用金属附件 | fittings of metal for beds |
0608 | 060394 | 门用金属附件 | door fittings of metal |
0608 | 060443 | 金属开窗器(非电动) | window openers of metal, non-electric |
0608 | 060444 | 金属关窗器(非电动) | window closers of metal, non-electric |
0608 | 060451 | 金属制浴缸扶手 | bathtub grab bars of metal |
0608 | 060454 | 金属制窗锁 | sash fasteners of metal for windows |
0608 | 060455 | 金属制门用锁紧装置 | door fasteners of metal |
0608 | 060464 | 家具用金属角码 | brackets of metal for furniture |
0609 | 060064 | 手杖用金属包头 | ferrules of metal for walking sticks |
0609 | 060113 | 门前鞋底刮板 | door scrapers |
0609 | 060121 | 金属门铃(非电动) | door bells of metal, non-electric |
0609 | 060172 | 手柄用金属包头 | ferrules of metal for handles |
0609 | 060221 | 普通金属制钥匙圈 | split rings of common metal for keys |
0609 | 060227 | 五金器具 | |
0609 | 060227 | 小五金器具 | |
0609 | 060241 | 铃 | bells* |
0609 | 060262 | 金属包头 | ferrules of metal |
0609 | 060463 | 金属挂包钩 | bag hangers of metal |
0609 | 060469 | 袋子用金属封口夹 | clips of metal for sealing bags |
0609 | 060480 | 金属制手持旗杆 | hand-held flagpoles of metal |
0610 | 060062 | 金属挂锁(非电子) | padlocks of metal, other than electronic |
0610 | 060083 | 金属钥匙 | keys of metal |
0610 | 060144 | 金属锁(非电) | locks of metal, other than electric |
0610 | 060153 | 弹簧锁 | spring locks |
0610 | 060204 | 锁簧 | lock bolts |
0610 | 060237 | 运载工具用金属锁 | locks of metal for vehicles |
0610 | 060379 | 包用金属锁 | locks of metal for bags |
0610 | 060426 | 汽车车轮锁 | wheel clamps [boots] |
0611 | 060029 | 钱箱(金属或非金属) | cashboxes [metal or non-metal] |
0611 | 060034 | 保险柜(金属或非金属) | safes [metal or non-metal] |
0611 | 060034 | 保险箱(金属或非金属) | strongboxes [metal or non-metal] |
0611 | 060066 | 现金保险箱 | safety cashboxes |
0611 | 060472 | 电子保险柜 | safes, electronic |
0612 | 060012 | 机器传动带用金属扣 | machine belt fasteners of metal |
0612 | 060039 | 金属带式铰链 | strap-hinges of metal |
0612 | 060045 | 丁字砧 | beak-irons |
0612 | 060045 | 丁字砧 | bick-irons |
0612 | 060054 | 金属法兰盘 | flanges of metal [collars] |
0612 | 060097 | 铁砧 | anvils |
0612 | 060101 | 金属制皮带张紧器 | belt stretchers of metal |
0612 | 060103 | 金属挂锅钩 | pot hooks of metal |
0612 | 060105 | 钩子(金属器具) | hooks [metal hardware] |
0612 | 060175 | 搬运用金属货盘 | handling pallets of metal |
0612 | 060176 | 运输用金属货盘 | transport pallets of metal |
0612 | 060191 | 金属虎钳爪 | vice claws of metal |
0612 | 060206 | 弹簧(金属制品) | springs [metal hardware] |
0612 | 060207 | 金属滑轮(非机器用) | pulleys of metal, other than for machines |
0612 | 060230 | 金属线拉伸器(张力环) | wire stretchers [tension links] |
0612 | 060248 | 铁砧(便携式) | anvils [portable] |
0612 | 060249 | 张力环 | tension links |
0612 | 060265 | 钢滚珠 | balls of steel |
0612 | 060277 | 机器传动带用金属加固材料 | reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts |
0612 | 060284 | 铁带拉伸器(张力环) | stretchers for iron bands [tension links] |
0612 | 060325 | 装卸用金属货盘 | loading pallets of metal |
0612 | 060351 | 屋顶石板片用金属钩 | hooks of metal for roofing slates |
0612 | 060357 | 软管用非机械金属绕轴 | reels of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses |
0612 | 060369 | 软管用非机械金属卷轴 | winding spools of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses |
0612 | 060383 | 金属带拉伸器(张力环) | stretchers for metal bands [tension links] |
0612 | 060430 | 金属制岩钉 | pitons of metal |
0612 | 060440 | 金属托盘 | trays of metal* |
0613 | 060050 | 压缩气体或液态空气用金属瓶(容器) | bottles [containers] of metal for compressed gas or liquid air |
0613 | 060065 | 贮酸金属容器 | containers of metal for storing acids |
0613 | 060093 | 锡罐 | preserve tins |
0613 | 060093 | 锡罐 | tin cans |
0613 | 060094 | 存储和运输用金属容器 | containers of metal [storage, transport] |
0613 | 060096 | 冷铸模(铸造) | chill-moulds [foundry] |
0613 | 060096 | 冷铸模(铸造) | chill-molds [foundry] |
0613 | 060112 | 压缩气体或液态空气用金属容器 | containers of metal for compressed gas or liquid air |
0613 | 060119 | 马口铁制包装物 | tinplate packings |
0613 | 060120 | 金属信箱 | letter boxes of metal |
0613 | 060150 | 金属制冰块模 | ice moulds of metal |
0613 | 060199 | 金属筐 | baskets of metal |
0613 | 060231 | 金属包装容器 | packaging containers of metal |
0613 | 060232 | (贮液或贮气用)金属容器 | reservoirs of metal |
0613 | 060279 | 搅拌灰浆用金属槽 | troughs of metal for mixing mortar |
0613 | 060287 | 金属琵琶桶 | barrels of metal |
0613 | 060288 | 金属桶箍 | barrel hoops of metal |
0613 | 060289 | 金属桶 | casks of metal |
0613 | 060295 | 普通金属盒 | boxes of common metal |
0613 | 060296 | 桶用金属塞 | plugs of metal |
0613 | 060296 | 桶用金属塞 | bungs of metal |
0613 | 060297 | 金属密封盖 | sealing caps of metal |
0613 | 060299 | 金属瓶盖 | bottle caps of metal |
0613 | 060300 | 瓶用金属紧固塞 | bottle closures of metal |
0613 | 060300 | 金属瓶塞 | bottle fasteners of metal |
0613 | 060338 | 液态燃料用金属容器 | containers of metal for liquid fuel |
0613 | 060340 | 金属浮动容器 | floating containers of metal |
0613 | 060354 | 金属大桶 | vats of metal |
0613 | 060384 | 金属铸模 | foundry moulds of metal |
0613 | 060384 | 金属铸模 | foundry molds of metal |
0613 | 060391 | 金属桶架 | cask stands of metal |
0613 | 060395 | 容器用金属盖 | closures of metal for containers |
0613 | 060398 | 金属箱 | chests of metal |
0613 | 060398 | 金属箱 | bins of metal |
0613 | 060402 | 桶用金属龙头 | taps of metal for casks |
0613 | 060402 | 桶用金属龙头 | faucets of metal for casks |
0613 | 060418 | 金属卸料斗(非机械) | hoppers of metal, non-mechanical |
0613 | 060423 | 金属工具盒(空) | tool boxes of metal, empty |
0613 | 060424 | 金属工具箱(空) | tool chests of metal, empty |
0613 | 060442 | 瓶用金属螺旋盖 | screw tops of metal for bottles |
0613 | 060466 | 金属制五加仑装汽油罐 | jerrycans of metal |
0613 | 060479 | 泄油用金属容器 | oil drainage containers of metal |
0614 | 060155 | 运载工具用金属徽标 | badges of metal for vehicles |
0614 | 060196 | 不发光金属门牌 | house numbers of metal, non-luminous |
0614 | 060200 | 不发光、非机械的金属信号板 | signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal |
0614 | 060228 | 不发光、非机械的金属路牌 | road signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal |
0614 | 060235 | 不发光、非机械的金属标志 | signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal |
0614 | 060370 | 金属标志牌 | signboards of metal |
0614 | 060389 | 金属纪念标牌 | memorial plates of metal |
0614 | 060389 | 金属纪念标牌 | memorial plaques of metal |
0614 | 060399 | 金属身份牌 | nameplates of metal |
0614 | 060399 | 金属标示牌 | identity plates of metal |
0614 | 060400 | 金属车牌 | registration plates of metal |
0614 | 060400 | 金属车牌 | numberplates of metal |
0614 | 060419 | 普通金属制字母和数字(铅字除外) | letters and numerals of common metal, except type |
0614 | 060465 | 金属标签 | labels of metal |
0615 | 060044 | 拴牲畜的链子 | cattle chains |
0615 | 060077 | 马掌钉 | horseshoe nails |
0615 | 060122 | 靴刺 | spurs |
0615 | 060240 | 动物挂铃 | bells for animals |
0615 | 060280 | 鸟食台(金属结构) | bird baths [structures] of metal |
0615 | 060433 | 金属制兽笼 | metal cages for wild animals |
0615 | 060452 | 金属制固定式狗用垃圾袋分配器 | dispensers for dog waste bags, fixed, of metal |
0616 | 060030 | 银焊料 | silver solder |
0616 | 060053 | 铜焊合金 | brazing alloys |
0616 | 060242 | 金属焊丝 | soldering wire of metal |
0616 | 060302 | 铜焊金属焊条 | rods of metal for brazing |
0616 | 060303 | 铜焊及焊接用金属棒 | rods of metal for brazing and welding |
0616 | 060304 | 金属焊条 | rods of metal for welding |
0616 | 060417 | 金焊料 | gold solder |
0617 | 060271 | 金属下锚柱 | mooring bollards of metal |
0617 | 060272 | 船只停泊用金属浮动船坞 | floating docks of metal, for mooring boats |
0617 | 060273 | 锚 | anchors* |
0617 | 060412 | 金属系船浮标 | mooring buoys of metal |
0618 | 060051 | 金属制身份鉴别手环 | identification bracelets of metal |
0618 | 060181 | 手铐 | handcuffs |
0619 | 060148 | 金属风向标 | weather- or wind-vanes of metal |
0619 | 060148 | 金属风向标 | weather vanes of metal |
0619 | 060148 | 金属风向标 | wind vanes of metal |
0619 | 060432 | 金属风力驱鸟器 | wind-driven bird-repelling devices made of metal |
0620 | 060028 | 树木金属保护器 | tree protectors of metal |
0620 | 060467 | 树或植物的金属支桩 | stakes of metal for plants or trees |
0621 | 060025 | 捕野兽陷阱 | traps for wild animals* |
0622 | 060056 | 青铜制艺术品 | bronzes [works of art] |
0622 | 060244 | 普通金属塑像 | statues of common metal |
0622 | 060278 | 普通金属艺术品 | works of art of common metal |
0622 | 060307 | 普通金属制半身像 | busts of common metal |
0622 | 060382 | 普通金属小雕像 | figurines of common metal |
0622 | 060382 | 普通金属小塑像 | statuettes of common metal |
0622 | 060477 | 普通金属制耶稣受难雕像(非首饰) | crucifixes of common metal, other than jewellery |
0622 | 060477 | 普通金属制耶稣受难雕像(非首饰) | crucifixes of common metal, other than jewelry |
0623 | 060081 | 铬矿石 | chrome ores |
0623 | 060134 | 铁矿石 | iron ores |
0623 | 060145 | 方铅矿(矿石) | galena [ore] |
0623 | 060163 | 褐铁矿 | limonite |
0623 | 060183 | 金属矿石 | ores of metal |
0624 | 060055 | 墓碑用青铜制品 | bronzes for tombstones |
0624 | 060055 | 墓碑用青铜制纪念物 | monuments of bronze for tombs |
0624 | 060190 | 金属纪念碑 | monuments of metal |
0624 | 060254 | 金属墓 | tombs of metal |
0624 | 060323 | 金属墓穴 | burial vaults of metal |
0624 | 060324 | 棺材用金属附件 | fittings of metal for coffins |
0624 | 060367 | 墓穴用金属围栏 | enclosures of metal for tombs |
0624 | 060385 | 金属墓板 | grave slabs of metal |
0624 | 060385 | 金属墓板 | tomb slabs of metal |
0624 | 060386 | 墓碑用金属制纪念物 | monuments of metal for tombs |
0624 | 060387 | 金属墓碑标牌 | tombstone plaques of metal |
0624 | 060388 | 金属墓碑柱 | tombstone stelae of metal |