——文具用墨水(第十六类) 。
类似群 | 商品编码 | 商品/服务项目 | EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021) |
0201 | 020002 | 媒染剂 | mordants* |
0201 | 020006 | 茜素染料 | alizarine dyes |
0201 | 020027 | 木材媒染剂 | wood mordants |
0201 | 020028 | 木材染色剂 | wood stains |
0201 | 020041 | 鞋染料 | shoe dyes |
0201 | 020047 | 染色剂 | colorants* |
0201 | 020047 | 着色剂 | dyestuffs |
0201 | 020052 | 苯胺染料 | aniline dyes |
0201 | 020057 | 制革用媒染剂 | stains for leather |
0201 | 020057 | 皮革染色剂 | mordants for leather |
0201 | 020058 | 染料 | dyes* |
0201 | 020060 | 姜黄(染料) | turmeric [colorant] |
0201 | 020074 | 黄桑(染料) | yellowwood [colorant] |
0201 | 020086 | 靛青(染料) | indigo [colorant] |
0201 | 020096 | 复活节彩蛋用染色纸 | paper for dyeing Easter eggs |
0201 | 020099 | 藏红染料 | saffron [colorant] |
0201 | 020111 | 染料木 | dyewood |
0201 | 020111 | 染料木 | dye-wood |
0201 | 020112 | 染料木提取物(染料) | dyewood extracts |
0201 | 020112 | 染料木提取物(染料) | wood dyestuffs |
0202 | 020008 | 绘画用铝粉 | aluminium powder for painting |
0202 | 020009 | 石棉颜料 | asbestos paints |
0202 | 020011 | 水彩固定剂 | fixatives for watercolours |
0202 | 020011 | 水彩固定剂 | fixatives for watercolors |
0202 | 020015 | 银乳剂(颜料) | silver emulsions [pigments] |
0202 | 020018 | 金胺 | auramine |
0202 | 020029 | 赭石土(颜料) | sienna earth |
0202 | 020032 | 绘画用青铜粉 | bronze powder for painting |
0202 | 020038 | 铅白 | white lead |
0202 | 020039 | 炭黑(颜料) | carbon black [pigment] |
0202 | 020044 | 氧化钴(颜料) | cobalt oxide [colorant] |
0202 | 020045 | 胭脂虫红 | cochineal carmine |
0202 | 020047 | 着色剂 | |
0202 | 020059 | 颜料 | pigments |
0202 | 020073 | 灯黑(颜料) | lamp black [pigment] |
0202 | 020076 | 绘画用藤黄 | gamboge for painting |
0202 | 020081 | 氧化锌(颜料) | zinc oxide [pigment] |
0202 | 020089 | 黄丹 | orange lead |
0202 | 020089 | 铅黄 | litharge |
0202 | 020090 | 绘画、装饰、印刷和艺术用金属粉 | metals in powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art |
0202 | 020092 | 绘画、装饰、印刷和艺术用金属箔 | metal foil for use in painting, decorating, printing and art |
0202 | 020095 | 铅红 | red lead |
0202 | 020095 | 红丹 | minium |
0202 | 020098 | 胭脂树橙(颜料) | annotto [dyestuff] |
0202 | 020098 | 胭脂树橙(颜料) | annatto [dyestuff] |
0202 | 020101 | 烟灰色(颜料) | soot [colorant] |
0202 | 020106 | 二氧化钛(颜料) | titanium dioxide [pigment] |
0202 | 020126 | 艺术用水彩 | watercolour paints for use in art |
0202 | 020126 | 艺术用水彩 | watercolor paints for use in art |
0202 | 020127 | 艺术用油彩 | oil paints for use in art |
0202 | 020130 | 家具修复用补色笔 | colorants for the restoration of furniture in the form of markers |
0203 | 020004 | 饮料色素 | colorants for beverages |
0203 | 020005 | 食品用着色剂 | food dyes |
0203 | 020005 | 食用色素 | food colorants |
0203 | 020023 | 黄油色素 | colorants for butter |
0203 | 020024 | 啤酒色素 | colorants for beer |
0203 | 020034 | 焦糖(食品色素) | caramel [food colorant] |
0203 | 020035 | 麦芽焦糖(食品色素) | malt caramel [food colorant] |
0203 | 020048 | 麦芽色素 | malt colorants |
0203 | 020088 | 利口酒用色素 | colorants for liqueurs |
0204 | 020033 | 制革用墨 | ink for leather |
0204 | 020043 | 印刷膏(油墨) | printers' pastes [ink] |
0204 | 020066 | 印刷油墨 | printing ink |
0204 | 020067 | 动物打印记用墨 | marking ink for animals |
0204 | 020080 | 雕刻油墨 | engraving ink |
0204 | 020121 | 打印机和复印机用墨水 | ink for printers and photocopiers |
0204 | 020123 | 打印机和复印机用已填充的鼓粉盒 | toner cartridges, filled, for printers and photocopiers |
0204 | 020128 | 可食用墨 | edible inks |
0204 | 020129 | 已填充可食用墨的打印机墨盒 | edible ink cartridges, filled, for printers |
0204 | 020132 | 打印机和复印机用墨粉 | toner for printers and photocopiers |
0204 | 020133 | 打印机和复印机用已填充的墨盒 | ink cartridges, filled, for printers and photocopiers |
0205 | 020001 | 油漆 | paints* |
0205 | 020003 | 清漆 | varnishes* |
0205 | 020007 | 铝涂料 | aluminium paints |
0205 | 020014 | 银涂料 | silver paste |
0205 | 020016 | 银镀粉 | silvering powders |
0205 | 020017 | 黑亮漆 | black japan |
0205 | 020019 | 杀菌漆 | bactericidal paints |
0205 | 020020 | 粉刷用石灰浆 | badigeon |
0205 | 020025 | 沥青清漆 | bitumen varnish |
0205 | 020026 | 木材涂料(油漆) | wood coatings [paints] |
0205 | 020031 | 青铜漆 | bronzing lacquers |
0205 | 020036 | 屋顶毡用涂料(油漆) | coatings for roofing felt [paints] |
0205 | 020037 | 陶瓷涂料 | ceramic paints |
0205 | 020040 | 运载工具底盘底漆 | undercoating for vehicle chassis |
0205 | 020040 | 运载工具底盘防蚀涂层 | undersealing for vehicle chassis |
0205 | 020042 | 粉刷用石灰水 | lime wash |
0205 | 020053 | 油漆稀释剂 | thinners for paints |
0205 | 020054 | 亮面漆用稀释剂 | thinners for lacquers |
0205 | 020055 | 油漆增稠剂 | thickeners for paints |
0205 | 020062 | 刷墙粉 | distempers |
0205 | 020064 | 瓷釉(漆) | enamels [varnishes] |
0205 | 020065 | 瓷漆 | enamels for painting |
0205 | 020065 | 瓷漆 | enamel paints |
0205 | 020068 | 油漆催干剂 | siccatives [drying agents] for paints |
0205 | 020070 | 涂料(油漆) | coatings [paints] |
0205 | 020072 | 固定剂(清漆) | fixatives [varnishes] |
0205 | 020075 | 釉料(漆、亮面漆) | glazes [paints, lacquers] |
0205 | 020077 | 虫胶 | gum-lac |
0205 | 020077 | 虫胶 | shellac |
0205 | 020085 | 防火漆 | fireproof paints |
0205 | 020087 | 油漆黏合剂 | binding preparations for paints |
0205 | 020087 | 油漆凝结剂 | agglutinants for paints |
0205 | 020102 | 清漆用苏模鞣料 | sumac for varnishes |
0205 | 020108 | 底漆 | primers |
0205 | 020110 | 粉刷用白垩灰浆 | whitewash |
0205 | 020114 | 苯乙烯树脂漆 | copal varnish |
0205 | 020115 | 亮面漆 | lacquers |
0205 | 020122 | 防污涂料 | anti-fouling paints |
0205 | 020124 | 松节油(涂料稀释剂) | turpentine [thinner for paints] |
0205 | 020125 | 油漆补片(可替换的) | repositionable paint patches |
0205 | 020131 | 防涂鸦涂料(油漆) | anti-graffiti coatings [paints] |
0205 | 020134 | 木地板面漆 | wood floor finishes |
0205 | 020135 | 防尿油漆 | anti-urine paints |
0206 | 020010 | 防腐蚀剂 | anti-corrosive preparations |
0206 | 020021 | 防腐蚀带 | anti-corrosive bands |
0206 | 020049 | 木材防腐剂 | wood preservatives |
0206 | 020056 | 木材防腐用杂酚油 | creosote for wood preservation |
0206 | 020079 | 防锈油脂 | anti-rust greases |
0206 | 020082 | 木材防腐油 | oils for the preservation of wood |
0206 | 020083 | 防锈油 | anti-rust oils |
0206 | 020093 | 金属防锈制剂 | anti-tarnishing preparations for metals |
0206 | 020094 | 金属用保护制剂 | protective preparations for metals |
0206 | 020107 | 防锈制剂 | anti-rust preparations |
0206 | 020113 | 羰基(木头防腐剂) | carbonyl [wood preservative] |
0207 | 020022 | 加拿大香脂 | Canada balsam |
0207 | 020046 | 松香 | colophony* |
0207 | 020050 | 天然硬树脂 | copal |
0207 | 020061 | 未加工的天然树脂 | natural resins, raw |
0207 | 020078 | 树胶脂 | gum resins |
0207 | 020091 | 天然树脂 | mastic [natural resin] |
0207 | 020100 | 山达脂 | sandarac |